T W I S T [ serve ] !!

Dec 03, 2009 22:56

12/03/09 - Joined the game. Received taka-san19, kyuushuu12, guoguang02, gontakure12, charamate03, hitman20, natural16, natural09 as starter pack.
12/03/09 - Took bubblegum06, titles01, host14, recovery17, gekiryuu04, lucky14, energetic07, puns04 from updates post.
12/03/09 - Traded guoguang02 for natural01 with perimones.
12/03/09 - Received technique16 and perfect17 from Advent Calender (December 3rd).
12/03/09 - Received labcoat06, natural12, natural17 from Old Rackets.
12/04/09 - Traded gekiryuu04, recovery17 for labcoat17, natural17 with disutansu.
12/04/09 - Donated perfect17 to Group Collect 17. Received trickster08, fas15 and item03fudoumine.
12/04/09 - Received monks11 and pool11 from Advent Calender (December 4th).
12/04/09 - Traded gontakure12 for lucky04 with xianaasuka.
12/04/09 - Traded technique16 for labcoat10 with perimones.
12/05/09 - Traded trickster08 for bubblegum01 with wolf_pluma.
12/05/09 - Took smoke12, emperor19, kokeshi05, loyal20, strongest18, petenshi08, fujouri12, smily20 from updates post.
12/06/09 - Traded emperor19, loyal20 for lucky08, lucky09 with perimones.
12/06/09 - Received natural18, lucky01, lucky12, lucky13, lucky19 from Old Rackets.
12/06/09 - Took natural06 from Advent Calender (December 6th).
12/08/09 - Took lucky18 and east05 from Advent Calender (December 8th).
12/09/09 - Took labcoat09 from Advent Calender (December 9th).
12/11/09 - Received kokeshi19 and roses14 from Who Am I?
12/13/09 - Took freeloader07, awake03, seasons02 and pool15 from updates post.
12/13/09 - Collected baton16 from Data Collecting With Inui.
12/13/09 - Traded seasons02 for bubblegum10 with moon_wolfwriter.
12/13/09 - Took lucky20, pool05, pool13 and pool20 from Old Rackets.
12/14/09 - Took natural14 from Advent Calender (December 14th).
12/14/09 - Traded awake03 for lucky02 with perimones.
12/14/09 - Received timing15, omettosamba02 and item03rudolph from Seiyuu Corner.
12/15/09 - Traded omettosamba02 for otouto15 with disutansu.
12/15/09 - Received yajin15, emerald16 and train08 from Find Karupin.
12/15/09 - Received date03, tiebreak12 and item03higa from Motion Vision.
12/16/09 - Received item01 from Advent Calender (December 16th).
12/17/09 - Received lucky17 from Advent Calender (December 17th).
12/17/09 - Took item01 from Guess the Song.
12/17/09 - Took item01 from Scrambled Data.
12/17/09 - Received silver07 and item03higa from Guess the Song.
12/18/09 - Received item02 from Group Collect.
12/18/09 - Received forward18, bigi09, younger03, lucky16, item03yamabuki from Level Up.
12/19/09 - Took pure07, manzai19, nfu02 from updates post.
12/19/09 - Traded timing15, emerald06, silver07, fujouri12 for host05, kokeshi09, kokeshi12, kokeshi17 with disutansu.
12/19/09 - Traded forward18 for lucky03 with anneko_mc.
12/19/09 - Traded boat11 for pure01 with moon_wolfwriter.
12/19/09 - Traded petenshi08 for kokeshi07 with wolf_pluma.
12/19/09 - Traded baton16, younger03 for labcoat18, labcoat20 with lucathia_rykatu.
12/19/09 - Traded tiebreaker12 for pure11 with perimones.
12/19/09 - Exchanged item01x3, item03rudolphx1, item03higax2, item03yamabukix1, item03fudouminex1 at Item Exchange. Received kick19, higamyu14, nabs09, diving09, cavemen04, viking05, viking12, kagayake15.
12/19/09 - Received lucky07, lucky11 from Advent Calender (December 15th).
12/20/09 - Took pool14, date04, date06, date08 from Old Rackets.
12/20/09 - Received pure20 from Advent Calender (December 20th).
12/20/09 - Received labcoat01 from Advent Calender (December 1st).
12/20/09 - Received voice04 from Advent Calender (December 5th).
12/20/09 - Received pure13 from Advent Calender (December 13th).
12/21/09 - Received amiable16 and volleyball17 from Advent Calender (December 21st).
12/21/09 - Traded train08 for labcoat05 with xianaasuka.
12/26/09 - Received east19 and gamecenter09 from Who am I?
12/26/09 - Received awake17, omettosamba10, bubblegum06, boat07, xiaopeng12, bigaku14 from Let's Learn English with Long Ma!
12/26/09 - Traded volleyball17, amiable16 for date16, natural04 with keselyx_meeko.
12/26/09 - Received raccoon08, look-alike02, item04higa from Motion Vision.
12/26/09 - Received gift17, fujouri07 from Find Karupin.
12/26/09 - Traded strongest18, higamyu14 for labcoat04, date19 with starprincessl.
12/26/09 - Traded boat07 for pure15 with moon_wolfwriter.
12/26/09 - Took gardening11, mecha14, dash01, dash02, flore02, lucathia20, anneko14, pure03, secret17 from updates.
12/26/09 - Traded lucathia20, anneko14 for mecha02, dash06 with disutansu.
12/26/09 - Traded bubblegum06, gardening11 for manzai02, manzai03 with wolf_pluma.
12/31/09 - Received fuun14, gracious19 from Insight.
12/31/09 - Received contest03, contest13, bigi007 from Pick a School.
12/31/09 - Received scenario08, dance09, short-term05 from Find Karupin.
12/31/09 - Received sister18, monks13, item04higa from Freebies.
12/31/09 - Received seasons18, item03seigaku from Guess the Song.
12/31/09 - Traded awake17, omettosamba10, xiaopeng12 for natural07, date11, date12 with disutansu.
12/31/09 - Traded east19 for labcoat02 with drkparadise.
12/31/09 - Exchanged taka-san19 for pure08 in The Switch.
01/01/10 - Donated kyuushuu12, hitman20, puns04, fas15, roses14, natural17, diving09, kagayake15, monks13, dance09, short-term05, smily20, charamate03, energetic07, kick19, fujouri07, viking05, viking12, scenario08, otouto15 to Christmas Swap.
01/02/10 - Traded seasons18 for lucky06 with perimones.
01/02/10 - Leveled up to Ranking Tournament. Received wonderfuldays18, juwan19, meng01, pure02, item04higa.
01/02/10 - Received zhouzhu16, minor11, item04rikkai from Seiyuu Corner.
01/02/10 - Exchanged scoresheetx2. Received borp07, borp35, zhenzhi08, zhengnan13, braids02, adult07, item04higa, item03rokkaku.
01/02/10 - Received fanta06, limit16, western10, forward13, garasu17, mumble09, cherry10, garasu01, garasu02, minor08, treasure07, hunter19, cactus03, hawaii07, gogomeganes20, balloon19, natural17, roses14, cactus07 from Christmas Swap.
01/02/10 - Received childofgod08, nfu09 from Spot the Difference.
01/02/10 - Traded garasu01, garasu17 for reliable01, reliable02 with hibimaosuki.
01/06/10 - Traded hunter19, gogomeganes20 for gamecenter13, raccoon07 with disutansu.
01/06/10 - Traded fuun14 for raccoon20 with moon_wolfwriter.
01/06/10 - Traded juwan19, zhengnan13, zhenzhi08 for labcoat07, labcoat19, raccoon11 with starprincessl.
01/06/10 - Traded first19 for date02 with xianaasuka.
01/06/10 - Received rebel02, illusion12, recovery12 from Pick a School.
01/06/10 - Received crime11, ah-un15, acrobatic10, zansaber11 from Insight.
01/17/10 - Traded bigi07 for raccoon13 with moon_wolfwriter.
01/17/10 - Traded limit01, limit16, rebel02 for pool06, pool08, cherry14 with raikka_lilly.
01/17/10 - Traded amiable01, amiable02 for pure04, pure17 with keselyx_meeko.
01/17/10 - Received south12, natural15, item04yamabuki from Freebies.
01/18/10 - Received gamecenter02, gamecenter03, gamecenter04, gamecenter05, gamecenter15 from Old Rackets.
01/18/10 - Traded braids02 for kokeshi16 with lucathia_rykatu.
01/18/10 - Took deal10, three12, rock5414, habu04, fanclub15, scarf06 from updates.
01/26/10 - Received pool17, gift08, raccoon15, raccoon16, raccoon19 from Old Rackets.
01/26/10 - Received fanclub05, illusion18 from Spot the Difference.
01/26/10 - Received hairclips07, longhair20 from Who am I.
01/26/10 - Received item02, item03shitenhouji, item03fudomine, wild18, cake11 from Data Correcting with Inui.
01/26/10 - Received gossip13, retsuden07, capoeira01 from Find Karupin.
01/26/10 - Traded childofgod08, garasu02, deal10 for habu06, smoke09, secret02 with disutansu.
01/26/10 - Took evolve19, scout16, medley15, can15, tannhauser16 from updates.
01/30/10 - Took seigakugame01, brazil01, ouji02, kiss11 from updates.
01/30/10 - Traded ouji02, recovery12, retsuden07 for seigakugame02, dash07, fanclub09 with miss-novacaine.
02/10/10 - Traded rock5414 for seigakugame06 with moon_wolfwriter.
02/10/10 - Traded medley15 for longhair10 with starprincessl.
02/10/10 - Received date05, raccoon18, gamecenter20, sister20, brat14, kouhou05 from Old Rackets.
02/10/10 - Took detective03, final03, catfish20, kindness12, healed09 from updates.
03/15/10 - Updates: juice05, annoyed04, drivingmyself18, soft03, stranded02, minx01, pirates20, cross14, afternoon17, practice20, scout07, bandanna06, pure16, pure14, pool09, pool12, gouya20, shopping01, broken17, rush17, heart07, crafty10, west01, golden10, white12, white18, tako02, kendo13, gouya01, comedy12, ranger03, okiraku06, battery18.
03/21/10 - Old rackets: natural10, date10, labcoat08, longhair02, longhair18, longhair07
03/21/10 - Find karupin: item03rikkai, seasons01, afternoon19, recovery08
03/21/10 - Insight: conference12, gontakure20
03/21/10 - Updates: iguana17, slowlife18, buffet09, lol04, slowlife02, makeyoufree03
03/21/10 - Trade: shopping01, annoyed04, cross14, crafty10 for brazil12, brazil08, longhair15, seigakugame08 with moon_wolfwriter
03/21/10 - Old rackets: manzai17, longhair19, comedy11, comedy18, gift14, gift20
03/21/10 - Trade: balloon19, adult07, healed09, dominate11, illusion12, illusion18 for lucky15, brat15, brat19, dash19, manzai06, manzai12 with Ori.
03/21/10 - Trade: afternoon19, makeyoufree03 for slowlife01, manzai18 with moon_wolfwriter
03/21/10 - Trade: catfish20 for labcoat13 with starprincessl
03/23/10 - Master (lucky): gontakure16, sacrifice15, kokeshi01, item04hyoutei
03/23/10 - Level up (district preliminaries): lucky10, mecha16, butler16, oranges06, item04hyoutei
03/23/10 - Trade: capoeira01, meng01 for natural05, brat17 with hitsugaya_kuro
03/28/10 - Updates: fool01, entertainer18, habit09, takeover13, shinsen13, music19, item03other, item04other
03/28/10 - Old rackets: fanclub14, voice07, voice13, younger07, younger12
03/28/10 - Trade: broken17, kendo13, practice20, sacrifice15 for labcoat15, nfu17, brat07, date14 with starprincessl
03/28/10 - Trade: afternoon17, speech16 for natural02, gamecenter07 with ashkahchan
04/03/10 - Catchphrase: gekokujou03, ssas14, champions01
04/03/10 - Catchphrase: music15, amiable03, redeyes20, drivingmyself14, autumnbreeze19, resolve14
04/12/10 - Trade: invincible13, wild18 for bottle02, can08 with eternalkanda
04/18/10 - Old rackets: gamecenter19, brat20, longhair05, date01, gracious07, comedy13, redeyes08, redeyes17
05/02/10 - Old rackets: longhair08, raccoon02, younger13, volleyball01, volleyball02, volleyball03
05/09/10 - Old rackets: gift14, pool04, okiraku12, redeyes17
05/16/10 - Old rackets: gamecenter10, pool04, labcoat14, labcoat16, pure06, raccoon04, date07, brat01, brat03
05/16/10 - Updates: bottle15, 2ndyears04, motto15, taakun13, menicon02, kittens13, fashion04, predict17, sweat03, return05, longhair13, 2ndyears15, bible01, bible02, handpuppet04, cooperation19, thirteen04, green08, manager01, partner10, loveletter05, best16, bench08, bubblegum02, pose02, aspire01, suits05, sandwich08, ohtake07, mystic14, lawyer01, show13, hide16, fool03
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