When Baby Girl first came to my home, she was so happy. A full food bowl, fresh water, oodles of attention. She was very happy.
But what the poor dear didn't realize was that she was moving in with an addict. Me. I can't stop making jewelry. *sob* And now her Royal Roundness is reduced to this.
But you can help. With just a few purchases can help this poor kitty from a life of being crowded off the bed. Won't you help the kitty?
Don't forget my
Stop the Moon Promotion is running until Halloween. Not only can you help with poor, oppressed kitty, but you can do something for yourself.
Every $10 in purchases earns you a point. You can redeem those points for rewards.
4 points = 1 pair of earrings (valued up to $25)
6 points = 1 pair of earrings (valued over $25)
8 points = 1 bracelet (valued up to $25)
10 points = semi-precious bracelet of your choice
12 points = 1 necklace (valued up to $30)
15 points = any necklace you want
But if you can't take some inventory off my hands, refer your friends. Get as many people as you can involved in helping this poor little girl from a lifetime of not being allowed to lay where she wants suffering.
Refer 3 friends who purchase, get a free pair of custom-made earrings.
Refer 7 friends who purchase, get a free custom-made bracelet.
Refer 10 friends who purchase, get a free custom-made necklace.
Refer 15 friends who purchase, get a semi-precious item.
Please! Help this pitiful cat! *big teary anime eyes* Save her from not being able to be on the ottoman while I work. *cue violins * Help her live a fulfilling life of sprawling across the bottom of my bed. *sniffle*sniff* Won't somebody think of the children kitty?! *wrings hands*