Title: House of Eros - Stardust - Chapter 2
Pairing: Onew/Taemin
Length: 3271
Genre: AU/Romance/Angst
Rating: PG13
Summary: Taemin is prepared for the Collaring Ceremony/reflects over Contract Negotiations/talks to Onew by phone/Meets Key
A/N: Maestro is an Italian word for Master. It is often given to a Master of an Art such as Music, Painting, etc.
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Yes, between the descriptions and the people that will be there and the things that will happen, chapter 3 will be pretty long so I didn't want to put that with the other stuff in Chapter 2.
I adore Key and he really needs to be in this :)
I think Onew knew that Taemin would be nervous. Even though the official contract is already signed, that wouldn't keep Taemin from being nervous. So having the sweet and motherly kind Key there was hopefully to help that. And it did. :)
Commenting is rather difficult on my iPod, so I will once I'm on my computer later :)
But, I'm liking this x)
and KEY POPS UP!!!! YAE!!!! Just makes this UBBER good! ^^
him acting like the "Heeeey gurlfriend!" type is just hilarious!....though, before it was said that Key was the person at the door, I thought of Heechul *giggles*
though that wasn't TOO far off xD
And Onew! I just want to give him a BIG SQUISHY HUG for being so sweet to Taemin! *squish*
Key is like the sweet breeze from outside, blowing through a heavily perfumed room and just adding a needed dimension of freshness. He's fantastic, really fantastic!
All in all, A+ chapter, and I'm already on pins and needles for the next one! <3
and Onew and Taemin...still dancing, but slowly getting closer to each other :)
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