Jun 24, 2011 16:24
Okay, so I slightly feel like I'm pimping myself on some dating site here....but that could just be me ^^'
Call me Skye!! Not my real name, but oh is it so much cooler. Here's some quick facts in rapid succession:
-I'm 17
-I'm in marching band (flute for the win!)
-I was born blowing spit-bubbles
-I shout "oh dude!" at random awesome things
-video games make me happy dance
-music makes me squeal on the inside
-books make me squeal on the outside and happy dance
-fanfiction makes me squeal on both the outside and inside while dancing like an utter fool
-I have a boyfriend, and he's amazing :)
-I'm bisexual, but also conservative at some points 0.o I know, I'm full of contradictions!
-I am WEIRD! I'm talking mix ketchup in my mashed potatoes, eat s'mores with my jelly toast, cackle as I dance in the rain, splash in puddles like my 4-year-old brother, spend entire conversations quoting only song lyrics, and outright nerd of every kind weird.
-Puppies make my voice go up an octave (so cute!!)
-I'm a night person, not a morning person. You speak to me before my coffee, I bludgeon you with the nearest heavy object.
-Writing is my life. You got a problem with it, I have a problem with you. Otherwise I'm very nice :D
And there are so many other stupidly random things about me, but that seems enough to interest some people. Yay for making friends ^.^/
So yeah, post a little (or big, your choice) comment and I'll comment back and start conversing. Oh yeah!
Skye Out! *disappears in puff of ninja smoke*
p.s. *reappears* Please comment before friending me! It distinguishes friend from stranger. *vanishes yet again in smoke*