my boyfriend wrote this. it is amazing PLEASE READ IT
not only read it but, please please do some follow up research and go to the recommended links.
it's about much of what's happening in the world right now and it's good to LEARN THINGS and EMPOWER YOURSELVES about them. make sure that you give yourself some options and a little foresight. if you're critical of any of this nonsense, then you ARE CONSIDERED THE ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES and you should be aware of it.
Ok. What I'm about to rant off to you all is out of concern for your lives. It's going to come off condescending and possibly crazy, depending on the extent to which you believe american propaganda, but I feel it's my absolute duty to pass on what you may have been missing. We're in for a seriously dark time and few seem to be realizing the true extent of it.
Step 1 has absolutely got to be to turn OFF the damn tv if you're at all interested in perceiving the truth about what our country has become and what we are doing to the world. CSPAN can be good if you're interested in using a finetooth comb to pick through the raw data, but spouts some heavy propaganda, just not quite as badly as Mr. Murdock's, whose cadre currently effectively gives the thumbs up or down to ALL mainstream news.
American newsmedia, including most newspapers and magazines, are on par with 1939 Nazi propaganda and are enabling the continuation of one of the most evil eras the people of the world have ever seen. Jon Stewart is funny and can get you in the right direction, but close no longer counts.
I've been putting off an email of this sort for way too long. I care about you all and want you to survive, and honestly you're all completely unprepared for what seems to be coming. Our nation is in the final stages of a coup, a complete takover of our minds and physical bodies. If you think Obama will save you, you're in for a nasty surprise and it truly makes me sad and amazed that he has deceived so many well-intentioned people. McCain obviously is overtly psychotic, but I hate Obama at least equally because he's such a goddamn lying puppet of the New World Order but comes across as "hope and change."
Granted our country was never much more than a racist and rapacious military occupation, squeezing every drop it could from the beautiful land and people who once called this hemisphere home. But since the 1910s, with the enactment of the ILLEGAL federal government and the Federal Reserve's fiat-ification of our currency, we've become a nation of slaves. It's no longer skin color, now it's being a member of the bottom 99%. The progression has taken awhile, because although Americans now are bewilderingly stupid and proud of it, they once seemed to have had a tradition of respecting free thought and took independence seriously. The best slave is one who believes he is free, and we all fit the bill of that one nicely. is an amazing resource for monetary enlightenment.
You are all being told that Obama is going to be your great savior and you are taking it at face value. Allow me to prove you wrong and PLEAD with you, if you must be duped by the idea that votes are counted, to vote for Nader, who now has 30 million people voting for him by some estimates, to strongly consider LEAVING THE COUNTRY (I recommend Norway if you can afford the transition, they're independent and outside the EU still, Canada still seems like a good bet too), or at least to grow a shitload of food in your backyard and stock up on guns. This is no joke. They're counting on everyone ignoring people like me. You should all be aware of the coups which took place in at least the last two elections, and the nature of the electronic voting for this coming one (hackable in 18 seconds and installed on-the-honor-system by employees of a private corporation). Hopefully you've heard the famous quote by Stalin; "Those who cast the votes decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything." Maybe not. If Nader even were elected by some miracle, the NWO would off him the way they've offed any other American "president" who worked against their agenda of world government, primarily for the crime of putting american currency on a hard standard again. This time around, they've most definitely presented you with "two wings of the same bird" and squelched the third parties like never before.
Our country and its 4000 nuclear warheads, more-than-the-rest-of-the-world-combined military spending (which was just almost unanimously increased by our congress by $100 billion), weather manipulation technology and terrifyingly advanced systems of death and mind control are in their final days of usurpation into the hands of the global elite. Such Nazi murdering scum trillionaire Babylonian-royalty-descendant criminals as the Rockerfellers, Rothchilds, Kissinger, JP Morgan, GoldmanSachs (Obama's largest funder) etc., working through global establishments such as the WorldBank, WHO, IMF, Bilderberg cult, etc. have put into play the final stages of their grab of the world, largely by way of this country. The endgame toward marshall law began with 911, which hopefully you are all aware was a CIA operation (if somehow you aren't, watch Loose Change or Endgame IMMEDIATELY), progressed right through the Patriot Act and on into this new "financial 911" that god I hope you're all paying attention to.
Their goal is complete control. They've got your minds and they're about to have your bodies and entire future in the palm of their hands. Recently leaked army documents describe the rapidly approaching event of multitudes of troops being brought back from Iraq to deal with "civil unrest." Did you see what happened at the RNC protests? Cops are tasering people to death left and right, our army and our ILLEGAL PRIVATE MILITIAS i.e. blackwater are sending people off to secret prisons around the world. We have more military bases in other countries than Rome, Babylon, Nazi Germany/Italy and USSR ever had, combined, including one massive one going by the name of ISRAEL. Our country has given a CONSTANT supply of weaponry and money to Israel since it began as a foothold in the middle east. Palestinians are dehumanized and brutalized on a DAILY BASIS by OUR TAX DOLLARS. Think that's me being racist? That's AIPAC and the ADL at work. I'm 1/4 Jewish. Don't believe me? PLEASE DIG.
How bout another quote from Nazi higher-up Hermann Goering from Nuremberg. "It is a simple matter indeed to convince the populace to go to war. One must simply tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism." No shit. Heard of Operation Paperclip, where a multitude of Nazi higherups and scientists were incorporated into the American elite? Are you aware that Obama is just as much a proponent of the BS official 911 story as McCain, is just as much of a criminal liar about the reality of what's been going on in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Iran, in Pakistan, in Latin America/Columbia/Venezuela/Cuba. The formula goes: we fund terrorists we like to overthrow legitimate governments that would lose us money, resources and cheap labor.
Are you aware that we are now at war with Pakistan? The Mariott incident last week is CLEARLY another 911 resultant from the fact that our War Of Terror puppet Musharraff was finally removed as president (to the joy of the Pakistanis). The CIA wouldn't have it. Yet another false-flag attack blamed on "al-Qaeda" to perpetuate the American agenda. Why would a Pakistani "terrorist" ever do such a thing at such a time of victory for the Pakistanis?
Hopefully you're all aware of Bin Laden's lifetime of work with the CIA and his family's intimate connection with Washington and its oil interests. No? Check out Slave And Master-The Saudi American Relationship, and do note that Bin Laden's family was escorted first class out of the country moments after 911. Do note from pictures of the pentagon that it could not POSSIBLY have been a plane, that the government confiscated all the neighboring businesses' tapes of the event, that the WTC fell AT THE SPEED OF GRAVITY (perfect demolition) and burned at temperatures vastly unattainable by jet fuel explosions, that Rumsfeld himself told defensive aircraft to stand down, that THEY FOUND A FEW OF THE SUPPOSED HIJACKERS LATER, VERY ALIVE, IN AFGHANISTAN. Etc. etc. etc.
Are you aware that in Afghanistan, which Obama and Biden vehemently declare we must step up our domination of, we have killed and poisoned millions of innocent people and kill women and children on a daily basis? More than half of our bombs miss their intended target and kill ONLY civilians. Recently we illegally crossed over the Pakistani border and slaughtered civilians, the Pakistanis flipped out, and then we did it again.
Iraq and Afghanistan have been made into DNA-mutating depleted uranium hellholes by our illegal weaponry. We're there solely because of the CIA and the global shadow-government having dragged us deeper and deeper into war with the Russians, and using all kinds of sick tactics to do so. We gave mass amounts of guns and money to the most violent and crazy people in the region so that they'd fight the Russians, and now we blame the populace for being "crazy Muslims" who can't keep a country together now that it's spiraled out of control. Big surprise. WAR = PROFIT. America makes INCREDIBLE amounts of money by selling weaponry and fighting wars. Your beloved Democrats with Bill Clinton at the wheel decided it was a good idea to get the world to starve and disease the civilians of Afghanistan to death for years through HEAVY sanctions to the estimated tune of HALF A MILLION DEAD CHILDREN. What a solution. Georgie rolls back in and now we're dropping huge amounts of heavy tanks along the Iranian border. Don't believe me? DIG.
Anyone notice the massive propaganda with the Georgia situation recently? We fund/install a brutal dictator asshole in Georgia who all along was talking about ethnically cleansing Ossetia, he finally does (in the middle of the night) and kills about 2000 people, mostly innocents. THERE WERE US CASUALTIES ON THE GEORGIAN SIDE and Cheney was there overseeing military exercises a week beforehand. Russia responded a full 24 hours after the start of the attack, and yet all western media has maintained that it was Russian aggression, and now we've basically kicked Russia out of the western "clubs." We stick a bunch of missiles and radar in Poland facing Russia and Iran. Smell a war comin? MONEY MONEY MONEY.
Ah, and Iran, which Obama also has said "he is keeping the military option on the table" with. Practically half our navy is sitting outside Iran's front door as we decry their "militarism." The modern and peaceful nation of Iran exists as A REJECTION of western imperialism and militarism. The CIA had created a BRUTAL and massively exploitative government to suck the region's resources dry, the populace woke up and threw them out in 79, and the CIA is still bitter. Us with our 4000 nukes and the hundreds we've given to Israel have the nerve to try and get the world to starve the Iranian populace to death for pursuing 2% of the road to A nuclear bomb, namely nuclear energy, which the IAEA has never been able to demonstrate any willingness to acquire. AS WE ILLEGALLY INVADE EVERY NEIGHBORING COUNTRY.
Get ready for a draft. Practically the whole world is allied against us now. Obama and McCain are both very clearly supporting it. You all seem to be aware that the Iraq war is a complete illegal farce in every conceivable way, I'm not even going to go into it.
The US has become the worst kind of fascism, at least on par with babylon, rome, fascist Germany/Italy, and the worst stages of the USSR. PLEASE read the patriot act and THINK about it. ALL of the power rests in the hands of these international criminals and their propaganda has never been so advanced. My head is spinning trying to explain this to you, but I am sure of what I'm telling you.
PLEASE, before net neutrality is annihilated by mccain or obama (it makes NO difference in this instance as in all others), hit,,, all day long and WAKE UP. Give them some money if you can, they're attacked by hackers and likely the CIA on a daily basis and are struggling to stay alive even while net neutrality lives. Grab utorrent and get in on the torrent community (, or google video if you have fast internet IMMEDIATELY and seek out the following documentaries.
Money As Debt will prove to you the manipulative and control-grid nature of the current western "capitalist" system. Monopoly Men will expose many of the criminals I've been mentioning and show how they created and funded BOTH SIDES of the world wars and the cold war. Endgame and Terrorstorm by Alex Jones will enlighten you beyond your wildest dreams, expose the NWO and make the world make a whole lot more sense. For 911 truth do yourself a favor and get Loose Change, Alex Jones' documentaries will cover it beautifully as well. Grab some of Alex Jones' radio broadcasts off of conspiracycentral or piratebay, they're daily and 4-hours long and the single best source of truth there is.
There is much much more but my head is spinning. Go after info about the kinds of things the Rothchilds have been giving money to this past century. Go after Codex Alimentarus. Check out the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commision and Bilderberg white-collar-crime syndicates and note that McCain and Obama are involved in ALL of it. Go
after the reality of mercury and forced vaccination, go after the reality of GMO, cloning and Monsanto. It's all about CONTROL. CIA mind control made the soviets jealous. It's all connected. There is something VERY evil at work here, and its stated agenda is to turn us into willing slaves, mind-control us into drones to work and kill for the global elite, and our FOOD and our MONEY are the primary vehicles through which they can carry this out on us. They miss being able to be our divine-right kings when we couldn't read, so they've come up with a newer and sneakier way to use us.
STOP poisoning yourselves with their GMO, pesticides and herbicides, pharmaceutical "medicine," vaccines, cloned drugged animals and propaganda. The amount of chemicals coursing through the veins of the average American is truly sad.
PLEASE check out veganism for the sake of yourself and your planet. I consider going organic/whole/vegan the best choice I've ever made and it ties into all this QUITE a bit. Animal rights is only a small piece of it. Don't believe the lies the FDA and the Meat/Dairy lobbyists are forcing on you. Meat rots your colon and causes cancer, dairy cows all have leuchemia and other diseases and they have to be raped regularly. Cheese requires the stomach lining of a cow. American livestock are cloned, diseased and hormone-injected in a way that would make you cry if you only knew. You only need 20g of protein a day, not the 50 the FDA would have you believe (over-proteining causes cancer and sluggish body/mind), and can easily get it from plants. Meat and dairy have no vitamins. Dairy leeches calcium from your bones leading to osteoperosis, is toxic to children over 8 (it's for baby cows you know), messes up your stomach acid and clogs your arteries. They rip the beaks off of chickens, veal is babies stuffed in boxes their whole lives, pigs don't sweat, etc. etc. etc. There is POWERFUL big-money lobbying against veganism because there is BIG profit on exploiting animals and they DON'T CARE about your health. Our intestines are the shape of an herbivore's. We evolved to be ABLE to eat meat, but we should NOT. It is an expensive second-hand product, and Americans eating so much of it is starving millions of people in other countries who should be eating the grain we feed to our livestock. Not to mention shit like scientists cloning pigs with human DNA inserted so they have human organs for transplants. Have some compassion. Read this and never look back: Independence and harmony with nature are gifts and an obligation that any human can attain. Grow your own food with your neighbors organically and exercise your right to bear arms NOW. Don't wait for another asshole like Obama or McCain to save you, EMPOWER YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS and their power will disappear. America is in for some seriously dark times, it is indeed collapsing, but if you prepare you will survive. Karma will reap a heavy heavy load on more belligerant and stupid members of the West, it's had it coming for a long time, and hopefully a harmonious and enlightened human society will emerge from its ashes. We can learn a lot from those places we call "third world." Meditate, go outside, take their power away. Thank you for reading this.
1) Mein Kampf/Project New American Century
2) 3rd Reich/43rd Administration
3) Reichstag fire/9-11
4) Austria (Anschluss)-Czechoslovakia (Munich
5) Enabling Act/Patriot Act
6) Gestapo/Blackwater/3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team
7) Weimar Republic bankruptcy/Federal Reserve bailout