I'm Zena(yes, really), 14, mid-Missouri. I've been a member for a few weeks, but this is my first time posting, and my January 21st.
So, I wake up at 9:23, stretching for a while as always and finally get up to go down my Dirty Stairs of General Injury and/or Death and let my cat out.
Following him into the bathroom, I brush my teeth and look like hell.
So I continue my morning routine, washin' the face with my most faavorite washy products(I get them from my place of apprenticeship, we make everything!) and picking at zits/flab, respectively.
Clean as I can be without showering and hair brushed, I get some OJ and a banana while admiring my mom's dirty coffee pot.
IT IS NOW TIME TO SWEAT AND FEEL LIKE DYING, while toning muscles! I've been doing the Lotte Berk Method(google it or something)'s basic essentials every day for the past week or so. Totally already losing weight, it is awesome, yet painful. My marvelous SG yoga pants are pulled up because the fabric is too fabric-y to get a grip on while trying to do this move. Nice legs, right?!
Snacksnacksnack(That day, I discovered that peanut butter crunch is vegan!), drinkdrinkdrink.
I've moved enough, now to be a lazyass the rest of the day! Hello
EAT EAT EAAAAT. At least it's healthy stuff, right?
Finally, my family is getting up. My stepdad shovels snow/ice off our stairs IN A T-SHIRT, while my mom tearfully tells me about this awful dream she had where this guy(who looked like someone at her job) slit her throat very realistically, and my sister was left alone as she died. It was terrible.
Previously mentioned sister. Her name is Ruby, she is 5 years old and the reason our house is messy and disgusting. I like mocking her expressions.
I try to solve the problems of this girl that bought a magazine from me, I didn't get a note saying she paid ;; Time to get offline, now.
Tired of being a lazyass, I PLAY SUM DDR because I got it for christmas and it is super fun.
I call my best(male) friend Alex to see how he's feeling! He's been sick for like a month. Feel betterrr ♥ Note, though, my creepy dolls in the background.
Ruby wanted to play outside, so we all went for a minute and discussed the length of the bears game interfering with our plans for dinner and my plans to get my ears pierced, raaargh.
It was too cold to play for long. So we came inside and made (vegannn)Snow Ice Cream(also cold)!
It's almost time to pick up our dinner partner, so I get cleaaan with some amazing soap Alex gave me for x-mas. Those paper clips are a necklace that Ruby made me the day before, I slept in it and it was still perfectly intact! ...The pliers are for turning the cold water on, because I broke the handle last week.
Cleancleanclean, skinskinskin, and WHY I WISH MY FATHER WASN'T MEXICAN! D:
All dressed, but I don't have time to dry or put up my hair. I knit that scarf myself~
So we get in the car and drive... here, to my mom's friend Rochelle's. Going out to eat was her idea. The second we walked in the door she said 'BEARS WON WHOOOO'. We didn't care. No pictures of the inside, as I figured that would be kinda rude.
Okay, just one. Ruby with Rochelle's very yippy little dog.
So we load up and drive twentyfive minuuutes to our (Japanese, durrhurr)restaurant of choice, 大阪! Osaka(there needs to be a line over that O, but I forgot how to do thaaat). Rochelle was the only one who's been here before. We had to take our shoes off, even though the floor wasn't tatami...
This picture doesn't show it very well, but our waitress was so pretty.
Sup Rochelle. Mom, Ruby. o hay thurr me. Our table was so cool, it was the kind with the space underneath. No heater, though.
Mom and I had the mooost amazing sushi(if you can call it that), avocado rolls and deep fried sweet potato rolls. Rochelle had... a bunch of fish that I don't know wtf it was.
Chowing down on delicious white rice. I am a chopstick masterrr.
I also had some soba noodles, shared with mom and Ruby. We all had fried tofu, looots of edamame and these deliiicious mung bean sprouts, plus copious amounts of pickled ginger. Now you see the food, now you don't.
I had to go to the bathroom, on my way I found this beautiful tapestry-ish thing of an Oiran(oldschool Japanese courtesan! NOT A GEISHA.). Or what looked like one, her obi's in the back...?
The room has some shoji screen seperating it from the other side of the room(which is bigger, and has a tv/kareoke thing). Rochelle told us that when she came here for her birthday, she and her friends sat on our side of the room and made fun of the other side's kareoke. The other side heard and came over, it happened to be the Senator and they all ended up partying together. Sounded fun, minus all the alcohol.
It was truuuly delicious, my new favorite restaurant. The chefs were actually Japanese too! I feel bad for whoever cleans up though, 'cause I spilled some water right when we got up to leave. Woops.
We drove Rochelle home, then went back to our house where I proceeded to EAT MORE DELICIOUS PEANUT BUTTER CRUNCH.
I called Alex again, 'cause I was worried. :< This IS big enough to be documented, because we talk forever and it's important.
Brush my teeth, because I'm paranoid they'll fall out(also, I could still taste the pickled ginger and that was kinda gross).
Mom was off work tonight, so we watched HGTV Dream Home 2007! DREAM HOME, THAT WE ARE WINNING. My mom works at a casino with Rochelle, so normally she'll go in anywhere from 7-12.
Dream Home, while I would love to win it, is boring to watch. Or maybe I was just tired. But I fell asleep on the couch, and mom took blurry pictures. :(
Then she woke me up and made me go to my own bed. I was too tired to even fix the pillow, and just kinda set the camera at the foot of the bed. The end!
I actually did two days in a row, the next is more exciting I think. Next week/day: WILL THAT ONE GIRL ON THE COMPUTER GET HER MAGAZINE? Will I get my ears pierced? Will I have a life, go somewhere, and stop eating peanut butter crunch? Stay tuuuned~
p.s., sorry for being too wordy. Also I DO listen to music throughout the day, just have no mp3 player to photograph ;; It's all when I was on the computer. Yeah.