let them eat cake

Nov 05, 2006 14:54

DAY: 3 - OCTOBER the 27th

As I haven’t posted since July (which was the black and white post everyone seemed to really adore), I feel as if I should reintroduce myself. My name is Julia and I am a homeschooled student residing in Windsor, Ontario. Besides my Parents being away antique shopping in London (Ontario, not England), Friday was a pretty normal day for me.

I apologize in advance for the number of pictures, but I was a bit camera happy that day. If you have dial up don't even attempt opening it. Seriously.

(And a Happy Guy Fawkes Day to everyone celebrating. I'll be busting out V For Vendetta as soon as this is posted.)

5:55 Awaken abruptly to the sound of a cat fight outside my window. I panic, thinking it may be my cat Hawkeye who enjoys sneaking out of the house. I jump out of bed and leave my room to investigate. I find that both my Brother and my Father are awake because of the noise. We quickly do a cat count and return to bed.

6:24 Yet to fall back asleep because of recent insomniac symptoms. It usually takes me an hour or more to fall asleep when it used to take me a few minutes. Anyways, my nose is running so I get up to take an allergy pill before my allergies worsen. The light in my bathroom is v. bright.

Snot medicine.

I then proceed to stumble back to bed, but don’t end up falling asleep until well past seven. This insomnia is driving my barmy. Cursed overactive brain.

9:30 Awake, finally, after half an hour of pushing the snooze button.

Flash always helps.

I open my blinds so that my aloe plant Wayne (named after Neil of the Young One’s plant) may bask in the sunlight (if it ever decides to make an appearance).

Put my glass on. Ugh. Am so not a morning person.

A bit more awake pictures.

Feed Eicca, my betta fish, whom I am too tired to take a decent picture of.

Go to the pisser.

Yum. Reese Puffs with strawberries.

10:00 Check my email and livejournal. While on livejournal I learn about Matt Mays’ new album When The Angels Make Contact and watch the movie trailer and music video while I eat.

Have a peanut attack and almost spit out my cereal when Sam Roberts comes onscreen (love love love him). Apparently in the movie he plays an Australian bloke (which he pulls off rather convincingly, actually).

10:15 In the mood for some Guns N’ Roses so I go on youtube. Ugh, totally and completely enthralled with the song Estranged.

10:17 Get out my math and settle down for the morning.

10:55 My sore throat from yesterday has returned. I pop a Halls (which for some reason is from Brazil. I guess that’s what we get for buying it at the dollar store).

11:24 Still working on math. Bah, I abhor the subject.

11:30 Desperately in need of a break. I turn on Hot Gossip’s I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper and dance like a maniac.

11:45 Get the mail.

We got a postcard from my Uncle Doug! He’s a tour guide and has visited almost every country in the world (a number of countries he’s visited numerous times). He says he’s in Africa right now and roughing it on the gamedrives. Rather jealous.

I decide to step outside to see the damage from this morning’s cat fight.

No dead bodies, blood or fur to be found, which is always good.

Noon Hurrah! Finished my math and now it’s time for lunch. I contemplate the contents of the fridge.

Scrambled eggs it is!

Mmm, unhealthy; lots of mayonnaise on white bread.

Watch M*A*S*H while I eat.

12:51 After lunch I venture upstairs and visit Itty Bitty who gives me a bath.

1:01 Put together a playlist for the afternoon. (am crap at taking pictures of my computer screen, obviously)

1:17 Art class. We have alternating weeks of art class; one week drawing and/or painting, another week sewing and another card making. My Muzzer and I have started a craft business so I have a shiteload of Xmas cards to make today, if I have the time. First I finish off this card which I started last night.

1:47 Working on a silver bell. The technique is called iris folding.

2:15 I’m done that one (for now at least, I have to put on words another day). It’s rather fugly, but I don’t care.

Kill Hannah’s Lips Like Morphine comes on and I decide to thrash dance. Great fun, trash dancing is, and a good exercise after you’ve been sitting all day long.

2:49 I screw up on the card I’m making so I give up for the time being.

2:57 In my room I put on the Ultimate Getting Dressed CD; the original Rocky Horror Picture Show Soundtrack. Hardcore.

I hear a yawn from my bed and find Squirrel lying on my duvet.

3:07 If you haven’t already noticed, I have a faux deathhawk (faux because my hair is actually shoulder length when it’s down, I’ve just pulled it up with elastics and bobby pins). It may not look much like a deathhawk now, but that’s because my hair is weird. No matter how much I backcomb it or how much hair spray I use, the next day my hair looks like this.



3:36 CD change; Blind Melon’s Nico.

Thirty minutes of backcombing and pining and my hair looks almost exactly like it did when I started. I give up! Stupid hair.


Patchouli oil.

4:09 Try to call Kaitlin (kate_possible) but her phone’s busy so I email her instead.


Pack my purse and my Brother’s backpack. Kaitlin wants to borrow clothing to wear tonight so I pack a pair of pants and a bunch of sweaters.

Kaitlin finally calls me back (she was on the phone with RJ, of course, despite the fact we’re meeting up with him in an hour) and I agree to call her before I head out so she can meet me halfway.

4:21 Foodies? Callie says, “Yes, damn it!”

Dinner - a bean and cheese burrito without sour cream because we don’t have any. Poo.

Yummy; my favourite brand of chocolate soy. It always tastes better in the carton doesn’t it?

Ugh. Far too early to be eating dinner. Curse the show for being on at six and curse me for not having money to buy food there.

Brushing my teeth.

I call Kaitlin as I pull on my boots and after two conversations (she called me back a second after we hung up) we decided that her mother is going to pick me up instead of me walking in the rain (which I want to do, but whatever).

Foolishly take a picture of the mirror with flash on. It looks pretty though!

In the car with Kaitlin’s Mother who picked me up.

When I get to Kaitlin’s house we go directly upstairs where Kaitlin tries on some of the clothing I brought her. Reluctantly we agree that the awesome hippie pants I brought her don’t match anything so she changes into a pair of jeans.

Jillian and Allison come upstairs and decide to be camera whores (Jillian being Kaitlin’s younger sister and Allison her friend).

5:11 Kaitlin drops the backing of one of my earrings and searches for it in the garbage but to no avail. She’s really grossed out.

Sabrina comes upstairs to visit (after eating, as you can see) and shows me that her necklace is almost exactly like mine, except hers is opposite in colour. I find this amazing as I’ve had mine ever since I can remember and I’ve never seen anyone else with one before.

Bailey growls at me as I take this. He’s always hated me for some reason.

Kaitlin is nervous as we drive to the mall as it’s the first time she’s seen RJ in Windsor (they met on a field trip; he’s from a different school).

We get to Chapters and head for the Self Help Section (our favourite spot) where we find the newest Post Secret book which Jillian models.

Some of the secrets amuse us as well as scare us.

RJ finally comes and we trudge around the mall a bit before deciding to go and buy our tickets for later.

We sit down on a bench and send RJ away so that we can discuss him (poor man; we’re so cruel). This is Kaitlin’s “So, what do you think?” face.

6:55 Hurrah; the movie is starting! Kaitlin and Jillian glomp the poster (which has become a custom of ours when we see movies together).

After the movie ends we hang out in the hallway outside our movie. RJ goes to the washroom and we discuss the movie and listen to all the disappointed reviews of people coming out after us. Everyone but us seems to hate it. I read the reviews beforehand and knew the ending and the lack of plot before I went into see the movie so I wasn’t disappointed. It was a v. glamorous and a beautifully directed film with a gorgeous new wave soundtrack. I really enjoyed it. I think Kaitlin would have too if she’d paid attention rather than snogged through most of the movie (hence her blissed out expression).

9:27 Kaitlin’s mother picks us up and we drive RJ home, who lives on the other side of the city.

We make a Timmy Ho’s stop for comfort food for Jillian, who’s been bawling about some asshole guy in the van. Stupid men.

10:00 They drop me off at my house and Callie, Hawkeye and Itty Bitty greet me at the door (they must be staring at Squirrel, my other cat, as no one else is home. Maybe it’s a ghost or something that’s captured their attention).

Callie begs me for a treat and I oblige.

Dead dog.

Squirrel joins me in the washroom because she wants to drink from the tap (she’s weird like that; she refuses to drink out of the water bowl but instead drinks from the tap and from our glasses of water).

10:55 Check my email, friend’s list and such. The Breaking News on NaNoWriMo makes me panic. Less than five days? I still have a bunch of plotting to do! I start to do so.

11:30 Still working on my character profiles.

12:05 I update my journal about the movie. You can read the entry here if you're so inclined.

12:10 (Blurry!) Parents return home from antique shopping.

Dad shows off his find (the Band being his favourite band, he’s trying to own everything they’ve ever put out). They tell me they bought a bunch of things for me but I can’t get them until Xmas. Hosers.

12:28 Everyone is in the kitchen when my brother Jesse returns home from work. He gets out wraps for his dinner and is gravely amused by the smallness of them, “These must be smallest wraps in world!”

12:37 I feel like a hobbit (not for the obvious shortness reasons) because I decide I want second dinner. Mmmm; potato soup.

“Mmmm, three bites of wrap.”

Hobbits don’t seem to have desert, so I suppose this would be supper.

12:50 Wash my face, brush my teeth.

1:15 Change into my jimjams.

Read No Plot? No Problem! for encouragement.

Finish reading Rebecca. What a crappy ending.


I have a daily photography journal, duckyxgoodness, if anyone is interested in seeing any of my other photos.

And new friends are always welcome!
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