may 1st, 2009.

May 05, 2009 21:25

Clarissa. 22. King's College London MA Student. Visiting Home (the Isle of Man) for the Weekend to see the Old Mumsy and Regain a Little Peace & Quiet!

May 1st, my second ADIML. Here was my first in Barcelona!

06:25am, wayyyyy too early :(

Looking a bit rough, Clarissa.

Everything I vaguely need? Surely i've forgotten something...

Shoesies on!! Little would I know that later i'd be encountering winter and torrential rain. Sigh.

The classic Early Morning Grimace. Gah, TOO EARLY TO BE CONSCIOUS!! Hence the strained attempt at smiling.


Oh, Bank. I imagine I don't fit in at all amongst the thousands of Suited & Booted City Boys milling around by the Bank of England and swarming on and off the DLR.

I got to London City Airport with half an hour before my flight leaves... omfg late.

Brekkie! Yum yum Vanilla Latte and Scrambled Egg & Bacon Muffin from EAT!

Early Morning Financial Paper... blah blah blah recession blah blah terror searches blah blah flu blah blah stocks & bonds blah blah.

I never expected the Sneezy Man in the paper to be ME in 24 hours time... atchoo-cough :(


Leaving Tropical England...

And Entering the Wintery Isle of Man. GAH.

I used to go to School there... and all the memories come flooding back. BAD TIMES.

Waiting for a lift, and omg my bag is so mysteriously heavy.

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane. FAIL.

Why so glum, Self?

Because my Father has come to pick me up, and is as moody as per usual. As soon as I got home he chucked me out of the car and drove off... probably to go have a whisky and place a bet.

Still so rainy, Isle of Man. And all alone at home for the first time since last August!

Oooo, pretty flower arrangement.

Time check!!

WOAH. NEW KITCHEN. This is weird... so so weird. You go to London for nine months, and look what happens - your mother installs a new snazzy Kitchen.

And she left a nice little note for me! Bless.

I can't help but immediately make a cuppa and check out my mum's old laptop...


Le garden. Dry, finally!

Starting exam revision for my Intelligence in Peace and War class... exam in 9 days. OH CRAP.

Timecheck, and Alesha Dixon singing away on the Music channels... so bored so bored, COME HOME SOON PLEASE MUM.

Still really bored. Time for a myspace stylee emo mirror shot?

YAY!! MUMSY IS HOME FROM WORK!! Being witty with the postcard I sent her last week.

Instead of dancing around the room with me, she decided to read the newspaper instead. Why, mum, why?

Yet more exam revision. Yawntastic.

Going through a year's worth of lecture notes, I came across far too many doodles. Did I pay any attention through Masters? I think that week it was about Soviet Submarines and missiles and nuclear warheads or something. Not entirely sure where the Mexican dude in the sombrero became relevant, or the Christmas Tree...

Time to go for dindins!! Hurrah!

Home!! And the sun is coming out!

And i'm staring to feel a bit coughy, so precautionary measures must be taken. Four days later and i'm practically bedridden :(

Into town for foodstuffs, and the view from Douglas Head!

Sir William Hillary... he founded the Lifeboat Association or somesuch. Time to rub his cranium for luck!


Sunny at the Water Margin...a massive difference to the prior weather.


Unlike London Town, the Isle of Man is hardly the sort of busy busy place one needs to Table Turn... we were stuck in that restaurant waiting for service and/or the bill for hours.

Cup of Tea and Dancing With the Stars in my pyjamas? THIS is the life. Oh to be home more often :(

Should I be working? Note the guilty concerned look on my face. I really should be revising.

But no, I shall respond to Academic Guilt the only way I know how... another cup of tea and Livejournal.

Muggle Net and Time check?

Re-reading a chapter or so of HBP before bed... my Home Bed is MUCH comfier than my University Bed. Home Bed is like floating on a Cloud of Love.
I'd not half mind floating on a Cloud of Love with Severus Snape. OH YES.♥

3am, time for beddy-byes!!

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