ADIML Prom Extravaganza!

May 04, 2008 15:12

Hello again everyone! It's Kayla, back with another ADIML. My last two can be seen here and here.
This time I chose to document the Prom I attended last night with a friend.  I'm glad I did, it was a lot of fun!

70 pictures total. Enjoy!

This is way too early to be waking up. There's just no excuse to be up before noon on a Saturday.


First things first (after I clean myself up a bit; I'm really not a morning person) I cjeck my list to see what I need to do first.

The list says I need to call Nate and see if he's taking me to my hair appoinment or if my mom should take me (I still haven't gotten a car since my last one got destroyed in the accident).

He says my mom can take me.

Dreary Illinois waether. We can't even catch a break on Prom Day!

I'm very hungry but my little brother didn't leave me NEARLY enough corn pops as I prefer to eat every morning. Jeeeez.

I grab Beebee and we go relax until it's time for my hair appointment.

I effing love you, Joel McHale.

Ckeck the livejournal. Nothing new.

This is my outfit until it's time to put my dress on.

Off to the Salon!

My mom drops me off and says goodbye. I check in and wait a bit.

My stylist has to sweep up her area first. Then she gets started.

Before. Many hot rollers, curling irons, and several pounds of hairspray later, I'm ready to go.
I call Nate and tell him I'm done. He's already at the mall so I'm supposed to go seek him out.

But I get terribly distracted at the puppy store.


I find Nate and we head over to Applebees. It was really windy outside and my hairgot a little messy. I threw conniption fit basically.


Nate watches the baseball game playing on the TV hovering above my head.

Chicken Quesadillas for meeeeeee!!!

Now I've gotta get home and do my make up, touch up my hair, get dressed, and do a few other things I can't remember right now.

I'm kinda miffed that my hair got all messed up in the wind. Damn it.

Time for a touch up I guess.

I did my own make up. I thought it would be fun and I really wanted to try doing myself, and I didnt think I should have paid to get my make up done when I do my make up myself every day anyway. That, and I couldn't get an appointment anywhere.

Jeez, I made a mess.

But the end result is pretty great.

Time check, the last one for quite a while too.

I make sure I have everything I need in my tiny purse. Stupid tiny purse.

Plus my flowers (which my mom made) and the garter.

Nate calls and tells me he's on his way. I kill time till then.

He's heeeeeeere!

We pose for my mom and dad for a bit.

Next we go to Chris's house for more photos.

It's cold and windy, hence the face.

Christ and Steph pose for a while.

Then we all pose together in front of the pretty purple tree.

We know it's time to go but there's still so much lollygagging to be had.

H'okay, NOW we can go.

We arrive at teh High SChool for photos. I dond't get any phots of th photo-taking though. Sorry.

And we're off to the Country Club!!!

It's so pretty!

We find our table and sit down and wait to be called to the buffet. I dunno what I'm talking about here but it must be a pretty good story.

I'm introduced to Nat'es friends, who are very nice by the way.

And I encounter a guy with a monacle who's nice enough to let me get a picture of him.

Oh Thank Christ, it's time to eat!

After I'm done eating my food I take a trip to the findie fountain. I then promptly devour the chocolate covered strawberries.

Hooray for time checks! (it's 8:26, I swear.)

I don't quite know what they're doing here, but I took a picture anyway.

The band begins to play. They start off with "Dance Dance," which was great. At my last two Proms all I heard were songs like "Build me up Buttercup" and "Brown Eyed Girl," which is okay but having this newer music be played was awesome. Plus the lead singer was beastly.

The King and Queen got to get up on stage for a song.

And then we DANCED!
What was so great about this band was that the singer would talk toeveryone between songs, the played songs that everyone knew ,they were REALLY GOOD, and the singer would come off stage and dance and thrash with everyone while he sang. You can see him in there somewhere if you look for him (very Where's Waldo-ish).

Then the Senior picture video was layed. Some people got a little weepy.


Steph takes a picture with the band. I'm jealous.

Now we get to go to the Afterglow and eat pizza and DANCE SOME MORE!

Pizza and I guy I met named Grabbo. I dunno, don't ask.

Dancing n the gym. 
I must say this; in my last ADIML I mentioned fracturing my pelvis in a carwreck (the same on that killed my car) and my concern over my pelvis healing. I'm pretty positive it's perfectly fine now, since if anything were still wrong, I certainly would not have been bale to dance and jump and thrash and bounce and swing and move like I did.

But it's getting late, it's time to leave.

Time check on the way to IHOP.

I'm so thirsty when we get there, I pretty much pound my orange juice in like two seconds flat.

Yay waffle!!!

By now I'm tired an cranky, not to mentioned sweaty and gross. I'm pretty much dying to get out of that dress.

I think Steph and Chris would agree.

So we pile into the car. Nate drops off Steph and Chris and we arrive at my house.

I thank Nate for everything, say goodnight, and head inside. Christ it's good to be home, I can't remeber the last time I was so tired.

Late enough or what!?

I take off the dress (aahhhh) and slip on my jammies.

Time to take off the jewelery, wash off the make up, and comb out my hair.

Most importantly, it's time for bed.

Good night everyone! Thanks for reading about my day!!!!
And as always, new friends are always welcome at my journal, just leave me a comment and I'll be happy to add you.
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