Aug 03, 2008 18:05
- 22:58 Playing Devil May Cry on my new (to me) PS2. :) HEE! :) #
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Aug 02, 2008 18:18
- 00:10 All moved in, still lots of unpacking to do. Ugh. A good friend is in the hospital w/ a hematoma developed after he had his appendix out #
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Aug 01, 2008 18:07
- 12:16 I'm all moved in. ex-Roommate all moved into her new place. Now just time to unpack everything. UGH. #
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Jul 30, 2008 12:54
- 22:35 A nice, hot shower after a busy day of packing & moving boxes is the Best. Thing. Ever. Only thing to make it better would be cold bevie. #
- 11:34 packing is going not too bad. #
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Jul 30, 2008 10:57
- 22:35 A nice, hot shower after a busy day of packing & moving boxes is the Best. Thing. Ever. Only thing to make it better would be cold bevie. #
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Jul 24, 2008 18:08
- 21:24 I need a couple of strongbodies to come and help move some furniture at the end of next week (thurs/fri) anyone interested?? #
- 21:26 @ Mahtee You're welcome. Unfortunately, more rain will be heading your way in a few days. #
- 13:04 Camp sites for tubing in Red Lake Falls, MN booked! WOO! :) Almost-river side! :) #
- 15:00 NICE. The
( Read more... )
Jul 23, 2008 18:04
- 08:23 Ugh. Drove ex roommate to her mom's house (OMG DRAMA) and didn't get home until after bedtime. SO TIRED. Boo urns. #
- 08:59 Boss can be/is a useless tit most of the time. Grr, arg. #
- 14:29 OM NOM 'NANA! #
- 16:20 4:20! #
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Jul 19, 2008 18:04
- 23:48 The Dark Knight is AWESOME. Heath Ledger is creepy as fuck. #
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Jul 15, 2008 18:08
- 08:08 It's raining. AGAIN. #
- 08:58 ... I've got that "I Kissed A Girl" song stuck in my head. Good tune, makes me laugh, but I don't need it to be on endless repeat. GET OUT! #
- 15:35 Meeting a friend at the gym after work. Hoping to get through my 2:1 intervals w/ no problem. UGH. #
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