legomymalfoy was elected to the LiveJournal Advisory Board to represent the interests of Live Journal users. Promptly upon being elected she closed off all means of users communicating with her. You cannot ask her questions. You cannot make suggestions. She has also not posted anything on votes she has cast, meeting minutes, or any other way of determining she is representing us in the way users really want.
Therefore I am doing this informal no confidence vote. Please vote how you feel about our current representation and how you feel your representative should interact with the community.
Poll Livejournal user representation. PLEASE pass this poll on to your friends. While it is an unofficial poll, the more people who vote, the more likely action will be taken in whatever direction the poll goes.
[Update: For full disclosure, I posted a link to this in the following places:
And I posted on to
ljunited, but the moderators have not let it through yet.
Please pass the poll on to anyone you think will be interested.]
[Update 2:
marta says LJ will be implementing means of communicating with the LJAB:]
[Update 3:
raggedy_man has formed
userdom_counts, a community with the express point showing solidarity for those who feel the User Rep should be talking with her constituency.]
[Update 4:
legomymalfoy speaks! Still no means of asking her questions, making comments, or offering susggestions. In other words, she still has no interest in listening to her users.]
[Update 5:
cambler brings up some good points.]