Verge: Designing the play sequence

Jun 09, 2006 18:34

A few days ago, I posted a bit of designing-out-loud that received the deafening response of crickets. I assume that I got no responses because either 1) no one cares, 2) no one knows what the fuck I'm talking about, 3) no one could read the network diagram because of the transparency issues and the funky black-on-blackness that resulted (I've since fixed that), 4) I picked a bad day to blog, or 5) I didn't specific questions.

In any case, I wrote it mostly to design out loud, which is how I work best, but I thrive on back-and-forth communication when I'm designing, so help me out if you can.

In the old post, I discussed a play scenario where I-as-player wanted my character Flatline to launch a hacking attempt on Megasoft's security system. Presumably, I negotiate the stakes of that scene with the GM. Let's say we agree that, if I win, I get to weaken the Megasoft's security system node.

How'd we get that? Remember, all scenes in Verge must end with some attempt to change to the network. The game presents a list of legal changes, including:
  • Weakening or Strengthening a node or edge - this adds a ! or ? to it and thus changes its power
  • Creating a new node or edge - this adds new stuff to the network (a new edge must connect two existing nodes)
  • Purchase a controlling interest in a node or edge - this adds a ! or ? to the initials under it and gives you "control" over that thing and control lets you use it as a proxy for your character
There might be more, but those are the basics. The players and GM will role-play freeform until it's clear 1) what part of the network the player wants to change via his character or controlling proxies, 2) what path across the network the character/proxy will take to attempt the change, and 3) what forces oppose the change, if any.

First, the Role-Playing
So, in the example I used before, I'm having a grand time role-playing. I have Flatline plugging in his MISSILE-X cyberdeck and collecting information all across cyberspace. I come across a weakness in Megasoft's brainframe (which we defined as a giant computer that uses a vat of brain tissue to process vast amounts of information very rapidly). Cool! I really hate Megasoft (already determined and placed on the network as an edge) so I look for some trap doors into Megasoft's security system. If I can patch their security camera video feeds for just ten minutes, I can let my anarchist buddies loose in the software vendor's halls and that idea makes me cackle with glee. But wait, the GM points out that Megasoft employs an Auditor who guards the brainframe. I knew that, cuz it was right there on the network diagram, and I hoped he'd send the Auditor after me. The Black ICE ("intrusion countermeasures electronics") on it is nasty security software that can fry my cortex.

Next, Define the Change and Stakes
Okay, the GM decides that it's time to find out what happens. My path across the network is pretty clear by now. I'll start at my character (Flatline), go through Cyberspace, which contains Megasoft's Brainframe, which controls Megasoft's Security System, which I want to weaken. If I succeed, Megasoft's Security System is weakened by one or more points; if I succeed well enough, it may be reduced to a power of 0 and that'd make it very easy for my anarchist friend and his gang to play at chaos in the lobby. How many points? Well, let's say I have 3 tokens. I'll wager them all so if I win, I add ??? to the security node, thus making its power net 0.

For her part, the GM says that the Auditor will try to fry my brain with evil black ICE software. This is kosher because the GM controls the Black ICE node (since no one else does). The path will go from Auditor to Megasoft's Brainframe back through Cyberspace to Flatline. The GM will spend 2 of her tokens. If she wins, she will reduce Flatline's power by 2. Ouch! that could reduce me to 0 and knock that character out of the game. [Design thoughts: a killing blow might have to cost double or something to get the right "feel."]

Okay, Figure out Dice Pools
Dice pools are based on the power levels of specific nodes and edges. Count the starting node where the change is originating. Count all the edges between you and the target.

I figure out my dice pool. The starting node (Flatline!!) is 2. The edges are Knows!!!!, Is In!, and Controls! for 6 more. That's 8 dice. I subtract 3 for the hops. That's 5 dice in my pool.

The GM figures out her dice pool. The starting node (Auditor!!!) is 3. Her edges are Guards!, Is In!, and Knows!!!! for 6 more. That's 9 dice, minus 3 for the hops, or 6 dice in her pool.

Roll Initial Dice Pools
We roll our dice pools. (For brevity's sake, I'll just write out the dice results as a sorted string of digits, so if I roll 6d6 and get 2, 6, 4, 3, 4, 1, my notation for that is 123446.)

I rolls 5d6: 14456. I set aside the two 4's as my signal. Two successes. Signal: 44, Noise: 156.
The GM rolls 6d6: 122255. She sets aside the three 2's as her signal. Three successes. Signal: 222, Noise: 155.

First Round
Okay, I can stop now if I want, but if I do, I'll lose, because her Signal has more dice than mine (number of successes). I have two other options: spend tokens to bring in more dice or burn things to get rerolls.

At this point, I probably should get more dice. I have 1 token left and I see the GM doesn't have any. I spend the token and look at the network.

I've mastered (!!!) hacking. I also hate (!!!!) Megasoft. Either could be useful. I have to figure out how burning (reducing) that edge will help me win this conflict though. Let's see. Perhaps my attack made me realize I don't know as much as I thought about hacking, and my new sense of realism gives me some insight into myself and therefore my target. That might explain how I use my mastery of hacking to win. Or I could say that my hatred of Megasoft spurs me on through the conflict, but by the end I have gained some respect for my opponent (and my hatred is reduced). I choose the latter. Okay, for 1 token and that lets me bring in one node I control. Really, the only node I control is Flatline's MISSILE-X Cyberdeck!!!, so I spend my remaining token and get 3 new dice (for the deck's !!!), which I roll immediately: 144. I put the 44 into my signal pile (now 4444) and put the 2 into my noise pile (now 1256). Okay, that helps (I have signal 4 and the GM has signal 3, so I am winning).

The GM gets a chance to react now. The GM has no tokens but she can burn stuff she controls (which is anything not controlled by a player, unless that player allows it). Since the GM's agent is the Auditor, she can burn only those edges that connect to the Auditor. The GM decides to burn the "Guards!" edge from the Auditor to Megasoft's Brainframe. She explains that the Auditor is spending all his time hunting you down, and will continue to do so, at the general expense of his duties to guard the brainframe. It's a personal vendetta. The Guards! node becomes Guards!? (power 0) and the GM may reroll all of her noise dice. She picks up the 3 dice in her noise pile and rolls: 266. Signal: 2222, Noise: 66. We're tied again, four to four.

Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?
I don't have to continue if I don't want to. If I stop, I have two choices. I can declare that we both win our stakes. In that case, Flatline weakens the security system by 2 points and the Auditor fries Flatline's brain and probably removes the character from the game. Alternatively, I can leave it to a 50-50 chance to see who wins. The GM and I will both roll a d6 and see who rolls highest (and keep rolling in the case of a tie). The winner gets his or her stakes and the loser goes home empty handed (or in a bag). [If I stay there will be trouble. If I go there will be double. Seems pretty obvious to me.]

Second Round
I decide to continue. I have no tokens left to get more dice, but I can burn edges for a reroll. If I do, though, the GM gets a chance after me. I have more dice and am feeling confident, so I go for it.

I'll burn my knowledge (Knows!!!!) of cyberspace for a reroll. I describe how Flatline discovers all kinds of new pathways through cyberspace, gets lost, but finds a useful one leading to a backdoor into Megasoft's brainframe. It might bring me closer to my goal but I'm left feeling less knowledgeable about the virtual world I felt I knew so well. I change Knows!!!! to Knows!!!!? and reroll my noise (4d6) and get 1345. I move the single 4 to my signal pile and leave the 135 as my noise. I'm now up by one die (Signal: 44444), but the GM gets to go now.

The GM has nothing to lose, ever, by burning edges. She can't burn Guards!? because it's net 0 power. All the Auditor has left is being employed (Employs!) by Megasoft. Well, she burns that (now Employs!?) and rerolls her noise, which is 2d6, and gets 56. None of those match her signal (2222) so I remain ahead by one.

I have won it! I could go on, if I had some reason to do so, but I don't. I win my stakes. Megasoft's Security System!!! becomes Megasoft's Security System!!!??? and thus net 0 power. Chris, another player at the table, grins with anticipation at the follow-up scene he wants to have with his anarchists tagging the walls of Megasoft with anti-corporate slogans, now that the video and door locks are out of commission.

The GM loses her stakes. Flatline's brain is not turned to paste, which is fortunate for me. However, the GM does get her insurance policy. The 3 tokens I spent on initial stakes, plus the token I spent to bring in the cyberdeck, plus 1 for the margin of success (I won by one token, and that adds 1 token from the bank) - all that goes to the GM. If I'd lost, I'd get any tokens that she spent on the scene (not the ones I spent) plus some from the bank for the margin of success. She didn't spend any tokens, so if she'd beat me by 2, I'd get 2 tokens from the bank and that's it. Flatline would've been a brain zombie, but I could have used the tokens on other characters or whatever.

The scene isn't over till someone narrates the conclusion though. Whoever had the highest signal face value gets to do that. My signal was all 4's and the GM's signal was all 2's. It doesn't matter that I won stakes, only that my 4's were higher than her 2's. I narrate a haunting bit about how Flatline's voice echoes through the Auditor's control room as I shut down his security systems one by one and he watches helplessly.

What I've changed is that the player and GM have independent stakes, but only one of them wins them. That is, I can say, "If I win, I shut down the security system (-3 to its power)" and you can respond "But if I win, I shut down your brain (-2 to your PC's power)" or something indirectly related like, "But if I win, Megasoft stock goes up (+2 to Megasoft's power) -- any press is good press."

Also, I made hops reduce dice pools. This keeps pool sizes more manageable. I still may change my mind back to the old way of handling the hops after playtesting.

Specific Questions
  1. Hey, does that play example make sense?
  2. Does it sound cool? Would you want to play that?
  3. How could you break this system?
  4. Any ideas what would improve this system? Any crazy ideas?

verge, game design

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