Bill Appreciation Day

Feb 05, 2013 06:00

Look at this dashing motherfrakker.

I thought today we’d focus on one half of our favorite pair: Admiral William Adama.

This is the guy who flew vipers like a pro, left to be a bar-room badass in the merchant fleet, then came back to the military just to kick more ass. Has anyone else defended themselves with lethal force using only a flashlight? I don’t think so.

But on top of that, as if that wasn’t enough to make him the best guy out there to lead the Fleet, he went and treated his crew like family and inspired incredible loyalty in many of his crew. He sat by the bedsides of dying pilots and was never afraid to get misty eyed. He put aside his pride to reunite the Fleet and came back for their stranded asses on New Caprica (in a pretty flashy display).

What’s not to love, right?

What are the character traits of Bill’s that you enjoy most? What was his most bad-ass moment? What exactly is it about Bill that made his crew so loyal (until they weren’t)? When did he win you over?

Feel free to hit us with your favorite pictures of Bill, or stories you’ve found that made you love him more, or anything else - this is a Bill party, so let it rip!

Check out the comments for more pics/links.

(by just_smth)

I think I found Bill’s car.

bill appreciation day

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