Curse of the Coffin Winners and Banners!

Mar 19, 2009 21:18

Thanks for everyone who participated and voted! Here are the winners of both adam_r_stillschallenge 9 and wolfe_stillschallenge 5:

First Place:
adam_r_stillswinner ruzila

wolfe_stillswinner h_miami_fan

Second Place:
adam_r_stillswinner froggy_freek

wolfe_stillswinner drusplace

Third Place:
adam_r_stillswinner drusplace

wolfe_stillswinners (tie) alligator138& froggy_freek

Best Color:
adam_r_stillswinner froggy_freek

wolfe_stillswinner shelestova

Best Crop:
adam_r_stillswinner drusplace

wolfe_stillswinner shelestova

Best Text:
adam_r_stillswinner heartspeed

wolfe_stillswinner ruzila

Most Creative:
adam_r_stillswinner drusplace

wolfe_stillswinner alligator138

Mod's Choice:
adam_r_stillswinner alligator138

wolfe_stillswinner csichick_2

challenge 9, banners, winners

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