So, I got here

Sep 01, 2012 15:59

Made it to Kentucky. My sinuses are still kind of crappy, but not horrible. I slept some on the plane, so I wasn't too tired. And since I've done all this before, getting out of the airport was pretty quick-that, and I picked the right car rental, the others had lines ( Read more... )

dressage, horses, riding, travel

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Comments 6

ancarett September 1 2012, 21:45:48 UTC
Sounds fabulous even if the learning curve was steep. I hope you get some good pictures and videos to share.

Now rest! You'll be busy!


adafrog September 1 2012, 22:45:45 UTC
It is good. I have a few not great photos to put up tonight.

I will get rest. Thankfully, I don't have to be there until 1 tomorrow. :D


gyri September 2 2012, 02:31:12 UTC
What a different experience this is for you! I'm really interested to learn about their training methods. That's sort of what we learn in Parelli Natural Horsemanship. They call it "freesytle" riding and use sticks to guide and support (and again, they are also used on the ground to desensitize horses to scary things, as well as calm them down---called "The Friendly Game"). And they teach all their students to ride with just a halter and lead rope at first, using one rein to discourage the tendency most people have to pull back on both reins with both hands (which you should never do with a snaffle bit anyway). Once they can overcome this, they graduate to a simple rope hackamore. When the student has progressed enough to have developed an independent seat and soft hands, they graduate to a snaffle bridle for English or sometimes a curb bridle for Western. This is for refinement only, not control ( ... )


adafrog September 2 2012, 12:11:49 UTC
Nooooo, not Pirelli! lol
Yes, he uses this on his babies.

He is really different. Even when his head is up, he's totally smooth. lol


mckaysmonkey September 2 2012, 20:16:32 UTC
Sounds like it went okay. Zolar sounds great.

I just realised that was him in the photos I commented on. I've got to stop reading my flist in reverse order!


adafrog September 2 2012, 20:40:01 UTC
lol Well, reverse order can be fun, too.


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