Tzzz has a drabble a thon going on over at her journal to support the No on 8 group. No on 8 drabble-a-thon
Hopefully, on Tuesday, Californians will be voting down a proposition that will take away the right to gay marriage that was legalized by the California Supreme Court not that long ago. I just posted links to some videos here.
In addition, I think we as part of the SGA fandom and any other fandoms who want to join (please post this around), should take a moment to write some drabbles on the theme of gay marriage. Get ourselves pumped up and maybe donate, or at least chip in. For everyone who writes a drabble or a fic as a comment to this post today, I'll donate a five dollars to the campaign, up to $150 (it would be a lot more if I wasn't a graduate student, trust me). If anyone else wants to make a similar pledge, let me know and I'll add you.
Thanks and I look forward to reading your drabbles.
My little drabble is there, as well.
Donald leaned against the wall, watching as his beloved Timmy worked the crowd. Having done this innumerable times before, he could tell the second Timmy realized Donald was dodging his duties. Sighing as he saw Timmy's pointed frown, he made his way back to his husband.
As Timmy introduced him to yet another relative, he nodded and smiled like a good husband, and thought how odd it felt to be celebrating. He and Timmy had committed themselves to each other years ago, exchanging rings, and calling each other husband. To do it again, now, seemed a bit much, but Timmy had wanted to, and Timmy got what he wanted. And it had nothing to do with Timmy threatening to not let him work until he had the 'legal right to visit his crazy husband in the hospital the next time he wasn't careful enough.' Nope, nothing to do with that.