[event] Coliseum Games, Round Three

Aug 02, 2011 23:41

Who: Flynn Scifo, Arche Klaine, Lloyd Irving (on stage); EVERYONE ELSE (as spectators)
Where: Wuldorwurth Coliseum
When: Backdated to the end of July
Why: It's the final round of the games! Come support these guys and see who wins! Fight, fight, win!!
Open/Closed: The fight is open to only Flynn, Arche, and Lloyd BUT everyone is free to watch. ( Read more... )

location: wuldorwurth, arche klaine, dhaos, flynn scifo, lloyd irving, johnny grayson, !mod event, shing meteoryte

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Comments 59

STAGE / FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! ad_libitum_npcs August 3 2011, 04:47:03 UTC
twinswordderp August 3 2011, 06:29:14 UTC
[Try as he might; Lloyd still didn't see Colette anywhere in the audience...

As such, the young man was losing his will to fight. It wasn't that he came here just to show off, but seeing her smiling face in the crowd just inspired him to put that extra step in it.

Well, maybe she'll be there for him if he manages to win! Looking around, he knew he should be a little more excited about a three-way bout, but kept glancing around, looking for that special someone to cheer him on.]


Why yes, she is fail and show really get to her tags faster iiOTL flying_terror August 8 2011, 08:44:15 UTC
[ Floating proudly in the air would the one and only surviving mage how that happened, we have no idea who seems slightly put out now that she had to fight two close range combatants this round. From what she after the last two battles she's already beginning to expect one,if not both of her opponent being able to cast spells.

Though... Lloyd didn't seem to seem too interested in fighting. It's the final round for crying out loud! She glanced at the blonde knight and hoped her experiences with fighting along side Cress will help her out this round. With any luck, perhaps the rain will help her out again. ]


I'm not one to talk so derp bravecommandant August 11 2011, 23:01:38 UTC
[Flynn never expected to won a fight, let alone passing to the final. But here he is, standing in a three way fight against Lloyd Irving and Arche Klaine, or at least he presumed that those were their real name according to the announcement. Now, backing out seems to be the wisest move, as he managed to reduce the victims already.

Wait... Lloyd? Wasn't he the one who defeated Yuri?

...On second thought, this may prove interesting for him. His warrior side. Also, this pink-haired girl is floating with her broom? Even Rita couldn't.]

So, shall we begin?

[Common courtesy for Flynn, smiling and saluting pre-fight. After performing the gesture, Flynn slowly set his sword and shield in tact.]


AUDIENCE / WAVE DEM POM-POMS! ad_libitum_npcs August 3 2011, 04:47:35 UTC
elvengenius August 4 2011, 04:29:14 UTC
[When he'd heard that Lloyd made it to the final round, Genis knew he had to be there. Regardless of how he felt about fighting matches, Lloyd was going to win! That Flynn guy and Arche didn't stand a chance against his best bud!

Even with the rain, he'd managed to make a pretty large banner with "TEAM LLOYD" written in large permanent marker. He waved it up in the air, grinning widely.

He knew he was no Colette, but hey. Friends always looked out for each other.]


puppet_guardian August 6 2011, 19:16:43 UTC
[She stares at the banner Genis is waving before grinning widely.]

Need some help keeping that banner up~?

[She never asked before but it was more than apparent now to her that Genis and Lloyd had to be the best of friends. Anise made her way over, reaching up to hold a corner for him.]


elvengenius August 6 2011, 19:51:54 UTC
Only if you wouldn't mind!

[He grins, scooting the banner over so that she could easily hold it up.] I figured Lloyd could use all the support he could get.


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