[World Map] Unicia, The Haven of The Elves

Nov 21, 2010 19:29

Unicia is home to Atlas' small and rarely seen elf population. It is guarded on three sides by the nearly impenetrable mythical Griflar Forest and flanked by the high Phenise mountain cliffs and its cascading waterfall. The village produces some of the finest garments on the continent, and the waterfall basin is used to dye these fabrics. Well-learned in magic, the elves seem to have a clear understanding of the world's current state, however, they do not seem willing to take any immediate actions.

The city itself is most easily reached from the air. One trader seems to have set up a flight service where he loans out griffins to anyone willing to ride them (and pay).


  • The city itself is built not on the ground, but in the trees. Homes and shops can be reached by vines, stairs, and ladders built into the trees. There's also a network of bridges and walkways created by the life energy of the elves living there - which can be shut down at will as a sort of defense mechanism.

  • The city is known for its textiles. The waterfall that runs through the heart of Unicia is where the elves clean and dye their fabrics.

  • You will not find any meat in Unicia! The elves are vegetarians, consuming plants and mushrooms. The city is lined by a series of gardens. Some of the more exotic crops are harvested out of the river or surrounding forest.

  • The tribe leader is always female. She's in charge of making decisions on behalf of the city as well as memorizing world lore. If you need to know more about the Summon Spirits, she's the person to ask.

  • Unicia doesn't have many visitors, for obvious reasons. While the elves prefer to be left in peace, they don't immediately order outsiders away, and have allowed passage to a number of traders from other parts of the world.

AD LIBITUM IN UNICIA (As of April 2010)

Ad Libitum is not especially prominent within Unicia. The guild was established by Kratos Aurion after a series of talks with the elves. These talks yielded tolerance if not cooperation. After Kratos disappeared, Lloyd Irving took over as the head of Unicia's Ad Libitum branch, but he too seems to have vanished.

The two had investigated a case of "arson" in the Griflar Forest - concerned that these fires would cut off Unicia completely and trap the elves inside a wall of flames. The culprits turned out to be a large band of cheagles, reacting poorly to environmental changes and a cloud of Negativity that was seeping into the area.


Phenise Mountains: The rear of Unicia is shielded by a shear cliff wall, and a steep mountain range - the Phenise. These mountains are home to a striking number of birds who fill the air with their music. Their colorful plumage is said to have inspired the brilliant colors used in Unicia's textile market.

Griflar Forest: A nearly impenetrable forest that surrounds three sides of Unicia. The tree trunks are thick and close together, and very little sunlight reaches the forest floor. It is said that griffins inhabit these woods, as well as other species of monsters who prefer to be left undisturbed.

Briveil River: This is the river that feeds into Unicia via its waterfall. The river never exceeds 3-5 feet in depth, but this does not necessarily mean it's easily accessible. Thick, cold fogs are common over the water, and these tend to last from mid-evening well into the next day. The water itself is clear and unpolluted. It's populated by myriad species of fish and amphibians, as well as otters.

location: unicia, world map

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