Title: Kimi no kuchibiru dake
Chapters: Drabble
Genre: Band Fic, -maybe- sweetness?
Ratings: G
Pairings/Characters: Torapon
Disclaimer: I dont own them.
Word Count: 203 words
Comment: Title translation; Only your lips
On the darkest of the side stage which is no life but two figures trapped in a strained situation -where the taller pressing the smaller shoulder by his hands without any struggled from the latter-, he sighed.
“What was that, Pon?”
“What was what?” ask Hiroto back, confusing of the older question.
“You kissed Shou and seems like you didn’t mind being hugged by him” Tora’s breath was unsteady like he’s ready to eat Hiroto alive “don’t tell me that it’s just one of your stupid fanservice!”
Hiroto smile secretly, “are you jealous?”
The pressing on the smaller guitarist shoulder growing harder as a result of his question.
But the younger guitarist didn’t bother at all. Instead, he grateful because of it.
As the older answer the latter question, Hiroto could feel an anger yet soft whisper on his left ear lobe, “I fucking am jealous”
The smaller guitarist smile, an innocent smile “you don’t have to be jealous, Tora-shi” head turn to his left where the raven head stay there and kiss lightly the ear lobe "….because I never let someone else kiss me on lips, except you"
Wordlessly, Tora loosen his grip on Hiroto’s shoulders and change it into a tight hug.
PS: I’m very busy lately, now I need Torapon muse -and some cheer, chocolate, sweets, and milk- to continue ‘itsumo, kimi no hoshi ni naritai’. *is disappear to finds them*