Name: Janet
Age: 28
Stamped as:Jennifer Aniston
Three votes:
1. 3. 5 positive words about yourself: reckless, quirky, reserved, sensitive, impatient
5 negative words about yourself: observant , pragmatic,funny, big-hearted, earthy, friendly
Describe what your life is like right now: I was diagnosed barely 2 weeks ago with the one disease I never thought I'd get. I'm mostly going through the motions right now, just very numb & in denial. I'm not handling the treatment well and it looks like I may have to do experimental treatments. So my life right now is crazy .
Describe your current love life & views of love: Love is taking a back seat right now unless I find my own Landon ( Shayne West's character in A Walk To Remember). I don't really believe in true love and when not in love I can be quite cynical about it, even in love I still prepare myself for disaster.
Hobbies? surfing the web, reading, watching tv, being silly
Do you like spotlight? Yeppers.
Do you watch Disney movies/shows? Guilty on both counts :P.
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Take or Give: give
Life or Death: Well life would be an obvious choice, but lately I've been drawn to death.
Smiles or Tears: I do both, overdo both
Being lonely or with someone?: being lonely
Are you:
[ x] Cunning
[/] Smart
[x] Kind
[/] Brave
[ ] Villainous
[ ] Naive
[?] Normal
[ x] Kind of Crazy
[x] Caring
[/] Happy
[ x] Sad