Monthly Challenge: May

May 04, 2011 00:00

Let's play the pass-it-on game again! It's been a while since the last one ;P Those of you who have been here for a while will remember last year's September Challenge, this is essentially the same thing, but I thought this time we'll use themes instead of supplying pictures to use.

What happens is: I will supply the first theme for one member to icon, and then the first member to reply will post their single entry along with a new theme for the next member to icon, and so on. Make sense? It should be easy to understand after the first couple of entries.

All comments are unscreened for this challenge

Post your entry and new theme together as a new comment every time; don't reply to the previous comment

There's no limit to how many times you can enter, just don't post twice in a row

Its first come, first serve. Probably a good idea to refresh the page in case someone else posts before you

I strongly suggest you track this thread so that you get a notification message whenever someone posts a new comment here

The themes may be as simple or creative as you like, and you may interpret them in any way you wish


You must be a member of the community to enter

All icons must fit LJ standards ie. 100x100 pixels, less than 40kb, and .png/.jpg/.gif format only

No animations allowed, but other effects like text and textures are fine

If any of these rules aren't clear enough, or you're unsure about something please don't hesitate to ask ;]

Deadline is Tuesday, 31st May midnight ACST [time left] //CLOSED

Total Entries: 34


monthly challenge: may, submit

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