Perhaps I need a "Jys watches too much TV" tag.

Apr 24, 2011 14:22

Fandom - that is to say, Alexander Siddig fandom - has found A Dangerous Man, and is at least on Tumblr all atwitter about it. You literally do not know how happy this makes me. There were almost tears, and I am not joking. Lawrence is one of the few subjects that I still go full-on, let-me-tell-you-everything-about-this-ever special interest ( Read more... )

fandom, ds9, t. e., mood:lethargic, thinky thoughts, doctor who, asoiaf

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Comments 22

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actourdreams April 24 2011, 23:12:23 UTC
I know! Honestly, when I first watched it I assumed it wasn't going to be very good, because the two main actors are well-known, but I'd never heard of it. Obviously, I was very very very pleasantly surprised. :D I really have no idea how it has slipped through the cracks, because even if the storytelling is a little uneven, the performances are wonderful.


sophronia_chaos April 24 2011, 20:36:45 UTC
In terms of the "gay or ace"...he could be a homoromantic ace like me!


actourdreams April 24 2011, 23:18:55 UTC
This is true! The whole thing is a snarl of conflicting accounts, conjectures, literary analysis, with bonus Edwardian sexual norms - I doubt we'll ever know for sure. I would suggest homoromantic asexuality as a middle ground, but the "he could never be anything but heterosexual how dare you" crowd would probably blow a gasket trying to get their heads around it. :P I've seen gay people claim him as a famous example, ace people claim him as a famous example... it's good, we can share. :)


sophronia_chaos April 25 2011, 00:33:41 UTC
Oh bloody damn, Edwardian sexual norms... :P

Sharing sounds like a good idea. :) Also, shot in the dark, but if you're interested in ace stuff (I believe you joined the Smith A.C.E. Club's FB group?) you should totally come to a few A.C.E. meetings next year. Or...A.C.E. is having an unofficial last "meeting" this Sunday...hmm...


kuzujuk April 25 2011, 04:47:38 UTC
Sorry to jump in, but Smith has an ace club? I'm jealous. But now the thought's been placed before me, maybe I should make one for myself.


3rdragon April 24 2011, 22:42:40 UTC
If you keep talking about DS9, I'm going to need to track it down and watch it again. (No, that would be a bad thing, considering that the first time through my brother and I kind of marathoned it for about a month when we first had access. I do need to find a steady source of income so I can accumulate some before going to Zambia.)

Easter isn't a huge deal given that I'm not actually Christian, it just seemed like a nice thing to do.
Now I'm confused. Can I ask what you are, religiously?


actourdreams April 24 2011, 23:28:20 UTC
*coughs* If you are willing to relax, er, standards of copyright a bit, this is an option... I'm watching it via Netflix with some other people, but I've heard good things about that.
I'm quite impressed and delighted that DS9 people seem to be coming out of the woodwork now that I'm talking about it. I never would have even considered watching it if ocelotofdoom hadn't suggested it ( ... )


3rdragon April 25 2011, 00:43:39 UTC
Okay, reasonable.

Rambling paragraph was also informative.


kuzujuk April 24 2011, 22:56:52 UTC
I thought of going to church today, too, but when I woke up at ten my brain decided that "ten o'clock is the time the dining hall opens on Sunday" meant "ten o'clock is two hours too early to get up". I just enjoy Easter services for the sense of joy.


actourdreams April 24 2011, 23:31:33 UTC
Oh, I know that feeling very well. I just sort of looked at my alarm and went "long day at the library=sleep>church", and hit the reset button. I know what you mean, though, and I would have been really interested to see what the UUs did (if anything) for it.

But we had aforementioned glorious weather. I don't usually do the "It's such a pretty day, why are you indoors?" thing, but it was kind of a shame to spend so much of it in the library. (It's still pretty nice out, though).


kuzujuk April 24 2011, 23:37:49 UTC
It was very nice weather here, too. It's turning into thunderstorms now, though. In the last ten minutes the sky has gotten very dark and threatening.


actourdreams April 24 2011, 23:43:59 UTC
Oh, exciting! Yeah, when I left to go get some food it had clouded over and was sort of... dropleting. (I do hope it doesn't actually rain, though, I don't have an umbrella because I'm a genius who doesn't check the forecast).


solo_by_choice April 25 2011, 02:52:21 UTC
I think Bajor needs a working infastructure and to be able to feed it's people from what little farmland it has before worrying about health care. I mean, the Federaton is sunshine and daisies so they can afford it, but not everybody else can.

Being an anthropologist in a future with aliens would be FREAKING AWESOME. I keep wanting to get dorky and write an ethnography on Cardassians or something because how cool would that be. And not actually being an anthropologist, I could simultaneously judge them out the wazoo if I wanted.

Sons of Mogh is weird. There is no way the shit is ethical and yet they do it every so often on Trek.

Dukat is so much fun. Psychopathic, egomaniac with other serious issues and who doesn't seem to believe in using a rubber (ick I did not just think about that), but so much fun.


actourdreams April 25 2011, 16:47:01 UTC
Okay, this is where I put on my Knows Too Much And Overthinks hat - and I promise you, I'm not trying to be bitchy. I just think about this stuff ( ... )


solo_by_choice April 27 2011, 02:44:31 UTC
Ah, well, that makes sense. I'd think if you were using a population for slave labor and wanted to keep doing so, keeping them from dying would probably be good. The logistics problems seem fairly insurmountable though.

I'm imagining some future "anthro"-pologist going and trying to figure out the Cardassians and they're just messing with her head at every turn.

I actually kind of like the stuff about Worf and Jadzia trying to help Kurn commit ritual suicide because it's such a different culture and that's wonderfully uncomfortable. I also like that Sisko puts his foot down. But when they wipe his mind...that was odd. Did he consent? I don't remember.

Whenever the credits include Dukat or Garak, I clap and grin because I know whatever follows will probably be awesome. Especially if both of them are listed :D


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