
Apr 11, 2011 19:31

So, uh, I had a run-in with some Scientologists today. They were doing their “free stress test”, and in my mission to investigate every crackpot who distributes information in a T station, I accepted. (This mission has gotten me some quality things, including an argument about Thomas Jefferson with the leader of the Young Communist Party, a flier ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

rogueslayer452 April 11 2011, 23:49:31 UTC
I don't get Scientology. Like honestly, what is it that they do or believe in? Every time I try to research it I end up getting confused on the basis of their belief system since it seems to be all over the place. All I know and can make out from it is from Tom Cruise and his craycray behavior. O_o


actourdreams April 12 2011, 00:10:39 UTC
The way they pitch it is very restrained - nothing about paying for enlightenment or dead aliens stuck onto you. They say that you have an emotional and a rational mind, and all the bad stuff that happens to you is stored in the emotional mind, from where it... reaches out and pollutes everything, or something. And if you take up Dianetics - they don't tell you what Dianetics consists of, mind - you can put your rational mind in charge. So, it sounds like some kind of behavioral therapy thing. I do hope that even naive people who have avoided Scientology's rep would start to call bullshit with the weird-ass techno-meters that "measure your stress" in some undefined manner ( ... )


sophronia_chaos April 12 2011, 00:20:18 UTC
"...in my mission to investigate every crackpot who distributes information in a T station..."

You actually have a mission to investigate every crackpot who gives out ridiculous crap in T stations?? Holy shit. That takes a serious set of ovaries. And that is kind of awesome.


actourdreams April 12 2011, 00:41:53 UTC
Well, it's not quite every crackpot. I make a call on their sketchiness, and if they exceed acceptable limits I avoid them. But yeah, like I said, it's gotten me good things like arguments with the Young Communists leader and Dick Cheney's spoonbenders.


3rdragon April 12 2011, 00:32:50 UTC
You are marvelous, you know that?


actourdreams April 12 2011, 00:45:14 UTC
Why, thank you! I'm glad my hijinks were entertaining.


atraphoenix April 12 2011, 08:09:22 UTC
Genius. This is something I've always wanted to do but have never been brave enough to try.


inkyumbrella April 13 2011, 18:01:34 UTC
I kinda thought Wild Animus was a local thing! I have...a couple copies. Including one that came with cd's and stuff so I could play them while I read and absorb the whole multi-sensory experience.
Or some shit.

Also, are you planning on being online tonight (Wednesday), bb? I keep missing you ♥


actourdreams April 13 2011, 18:42:37 UTC
I did some research after getting it, and apparently it has been distributed throughout the continental United States, as well as in England, Scotland, Ireland, Denmark, France, New Zealand, Australia, and, uh, possibly some other places too. The author is some fantastically wealthy Silicone Valley type who, instead of doing what normal furries do and getting an account on FurAffinity and posting pictures of his fursona, decided to spend his money distributing his, uh, genius to the world.

I should be! Though not before 10, because I have a late class.


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