My, it's been a bit! I've rather been an Internet hermit recently, which, once again, I'mma try to fix. Here are the big things that happened.
• I met
sasha_lilyrat! This is a Big Deal, obviously, given how long we've been in contact and the general unlikelyhood of us being on the same side of the Atlantic, in the same place, at the same time. I took the
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Comments 13
It's fantastic to hear that things are doing generally well for you! Having an awesome roommate is pretty much the most relieving thing ever.
Oh, man. I don't know how long you haven't been keeping up with SPN, but...I feel like you'll want to catch up. I am not saying anything else because I don't want to give anything away.
That IS a big fucking eel. Holy shit!
What classes are you taking, bb?
I feel we covered most things on AIM, but in conclusion, OH MY GOD.
Eel's about omnom a shark. D:
Right now, one called Understanding the Current Middle East, which is fun and has fuckloads of reading. (Like, "I'm glad I'm never going to be tested on this shit" levels of reading). The other is a poetry workshop with Tom Daley (who you may not have heard of but who is a Big Deal in the poetry world), which starts up in May.
It makes me feel better to know that I am not alone in having a mini freak-out about this season.
That eel could omnom like TEN sharks D: I totally agree with rockychristine; that is a LOT of unagi. Bring it on!
That sounds cool. And like...something very worth knowing? I don't know excessive amount about the Middle East, so I could definitely stand to learn some more. Monster-reading sounds less fun, but..knowing that it wasn't going to come up on an exam would take a lot of stress out of it, I feel.
And I'm not familiar with Tom Daley, but that sounds wonderful! Workshop-style classes usually seem like they'd be really helpful.
Not related to anything; do you know the artist Emilie Autumn? I only have a couple covers by her (All My Loving, and a fantastic one of Bohemian Rhapsody) but I think you'd dig her. I'll upload them for you when I'm around my computer *on LJ in Digital Art class*
Holyshit that is a big fucking eel. I can see lots of sushi potential...
2.WOOHOOO! 'Bout time that happened. I hope you guys are having fun :P
Sounds like things are getting better. Congrats, kiddo!
2. Definitely! And I have my ~own space~ and everything.
They totally are. Thankee!
*hugs back*
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