
Mar 06, 2010 20:29

Poll Vry important information

For the record this is what I'm working with.

Also, starting Monday I'll be spending about two hours a day on the bus. Can anybody recommend a source for free audiobooks/stories? Podcasts (narrative ones) are good. I've downloaded everything I was interested in from Libri-Vox (which wasn't a lot... but if you have any suggestions I'd love ( Read more... )

vry impt poll, listening to:u2, mood:curious, me

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Comments 14

mabaliciousness March 7 2010, 02:49:08 UTC
Bleaching your hair is very much not a big deal. Splat is great for vibrant color, but I don't know anything about their bleach kits. I'd really recommend getting as close to salon-grade quality bleach as possible, so don't just buy whatever you find at the grocery store/CVS. Go to Sally's or another beauty store and have them show you what their best bleach kit is. You want to do this because the whole point of bleaching is to get as light as possible so you don't have to do it as many times, which is more damaging to your hair, but to get vibrant color, the lighter the better. The stuff I use I actually have to mix together myself, using a couple different products. I can give you the name, if you want.


actourdreams March 7 2010, 13:12:30 UTC
Thank you very much! I have the bleach/peroxide that came in the kit, and am considering using it this time just because money is super-skint right now, but I'm definitely planning to do this in the future and will keep your advice in mind. :)

PS since you are my hair-dye guru - the box shows fairly dark color, but the site shows a sort of florescent purple in its "color sample". I'm aiming for the former and really, really would like to avoid the latter - is there any way to tell, at all, which one it's more likely to look like?


mabaliciousness March 7 2010, 13:18:23 UTC
It'll be darker. A florescent color like that is nearly impossible to get, even with bleached hair. My friend used the blue, and it looked like she'd dunked her head in a pot of ink. It was pretty dark, so I'd assume the purple is going to be pretty dark, probably darker than on the box, but still a very definite purple as opposed to those hair dyes that say purple but are really just brown.


chocochan March 7 2010, 03:41:04 UTC
Have you heard of The Moth? It's a podcast of material from a storytelling series of the same name. Essentially, people get up on stage and tell their funniest/most interesting/most moving true stories, and some of the best stories get made into podcast episodes. Some weeks are better than others; all of the ones available right now are pretty decent, but none are favorites of mine (there are only five up at a time, and every week when they post a new one, they take an old one down.) I have a lot of back episodes; if you like, IM me (I'm catpajyamas on aim) and I'll send you some.

I've been talking this podcast up to people for ages-- it's my favorite, and I love it dearly. Let me know if you like it!


actourdreams March 7 2010, 13:06:12 UTC
I have indeed heard of the Moth! iTunes used to recommend it to me a lot back when I was listening to This American Life.

(By the way, I'm WroteAcrossStars on AIM if you ever want to contact me there about anything).


(The comment has been removed)

actourdreams March 7 2010, 13:04:59 UTC
I'd go to the Internet, but if it's advice from a stranger I don't know where their threshold for "easy"/"difficult" is, or whether they got a friend to show them first, or anything like that. I'd also trust people whose hair I'd really seen. :P

Thank you for the rec!


3rdragon March 7 2010, 12:54:45 UTC
The only time I ever played with hair bleach was the infamous time that Tonje wound up with green and orange and yellow leopard spots all over her head . . . so I'm really not a voice of experience who can tell you much either way. But do get the bleach closer to the roots than I did. And the mottled effect probably came from previous color in her hair, although I'm still puzzled about the green. I haven't a clue what she was using.


actourdreams March 7 2010, 13:03:47 UTC
...I think I read a story like that once. XD

Regardless, thank you for the advice. Out of curiosity, doesn't one have to put something on the scalp so that the bleach doesn't burn?


3rdragon March 7 2010, 13:05:24 UTC
We didn't, and Tonje told me to be careful to not get too much on the scalp. So I was, and then didn't get the roots properly.


happyfishy March 7 2010, 18:55:39 UTC
I helped with the fail, or at least supervised. So, also not the one to ask. My mom is insisting I have her hairdresser do it, but she's paying. We'll be hair buddies, though (I'm getting my tips dyed purple).


rockychristine March 7 2010, 16:42:55 UTC
The bleach is going to burn one way or another... it's pretty strong stuff. The shorter the hair, the worse. But purple hair! I am excited for this! You should be fine, just follow the directions and ask the Internet.


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