Written the morning after the day before.

Jun 17, 2011 09:17

I can't believe I missed a day. Oh this bodes poorly for my reputation amongst librarians and cross-country stalkers.
I think I seriously need to get this tooth pulled out, I barely ate dinner last night because I can't chew properly which is sucking because I like chewing my food. I may be reduced to soups and milkshakes for the weekend along with beer and whiskey.
I got myself some mouth medication(sounds dirty writing that up), some kind of cream that lowers the swelling of the gums, so far I think it's working, I can't really tell but at least I'm not in agony right now so either its working in reducing the swelling or its working in masking the pain. If it is masking the pain then I know for certain that it is my gum hurting not the tooth which means I've a good reason to procrastinate getting the tooth out again. I have to wait no matter what till at least tuesday next week because I have an exam on Monday night.

Okay on with the fun bit: My libraries.

I have three libraries for myself, give or take. The first is in my bedroom, it is all my books that I own, many first hand some second hand from places like the Lifeline Bookfest(which I missed on the weekend, weddings and getting booked for speeding took up way too much of my time, plus I was broke because I only carry cash and the bank was shut till Monday). I have a tall bookshelf and it is bursting with books and comic books, two shelves are just comic books and three are books, sorted into Genre, along with some DVDs from back when I collected Anime DVDs(a long lifetime ago). Most of the books here are science fiction books, there are a few comedy books and detective stories but almost no real literarture or dramatic stories, just the type of books I read when I'm bored or want to re-read something. Almost nothing in this collection I haven't read a few times over. My reading material tends to get used very quickly I find so I try for books that have repeat value or else I'm wasting my money I find. This collection has expanded to a secondary bookshelf outside my room and often has a floating collection in my laptop bag and car for the most part. I think I've got about three books in the car right now that I'm in the middle of reading.

My second library is a smaller one I keep at my brothers house for emergencies, I'm looking at it as I type this(which is why originally this sentence was all in caps) and it is mainly drama books, like Douglas Coupland, Nick Earles and a few other authors, also my copy of Watchmen and The Boys(Issues 1-54) are kept here because I know they have repeating reading value for me. This collection exists mostly for the times I don't have my computer, don't have anything to watch on TV(and before 11 put Craig Ferguson on the box I literally didn't have anything to watch on TV at night time) and thi collection is great for providing me with quick distractions for whatever I'm doing while waiting to go to sleep. There are a few books here and there that I haven't finished but for the most part it is done. There are about 40 books in this collection not including The Boys.

My third library is in the linen cupboard at my parents house, it is all the books I've got that I'm probably not going to read again in this lifetime, but I keep them because the thought of throwing away books is just unseemly to me. Also in this collection are all my old notepads and school workbooks, pretty much anything with even a hint of a story idea or a fictional setting or an organisational flowchart for a futuristic company(back in high school I did business classes and would apply some of the ideas to sci-fi settings) are kept there. These are pretty much 15 year old blueprints of a huge expansive universe that I once worked on back in my spare time before the internet existed. This collection once was my parents but a few years ago they dumped most of their books because they were taking up too much space. As of now I own the majority of books in the family. My younger brother has a collection of books himself, but they're mostly Harry Potter and his wife's Twilight books, I think there are some other books like the Trueblood series(Sookie Stackhouse I think they're called).

On the subject of libraries, I find that whenever I go to someones house I just have to look at their book collection, finding something they have that I have is always a little thrill, as is finding a book that I want to read but had forgotten about or never got around to. It is a good way to judge how compatible you might be with someone else as a friend or in a conversation. They are a great insight into the mind of the person you're visiting.

Anyway on to what I did yesterday:

I woke up in pain, that is not a great way to wake up. In fact on the whole it is the worst way to wake up that doesn't involve wildlife or livestock. My tooth was hurting even more than it was the day before. I couldn't open my mouth the whole way which was a bucket of suck on a scale I couldn't really explain. I've barely been able to eat all day, only thin food like Sandwiches and tiny bites of the two Curries I tried to force down. The lunchtime curry I managed to get down but the dinner one, which I made, I coudln't manage. It sucked because it was a pretty decent tasting curry. Matt ate all of his, Luiz said his was really nice but I really can't be certain.
The morning routine with Matt was okay, he woke up at about 8:15, mostly because he'd been up at around midnight and then stayed awake for three hours so he was a bit tired in the morning and thus slept in. At around 830 a workman arrived to replace the fire alarms in my brothers roof. It took about thirty minutes, during which time Matt's carer Aaron showed up and took Matt away to work, I got talking to the guy working on the firealarms about libraries, ebooks and other related fields. I find it weird that I'm actually an expert on this subject considering that I barely knew anything about the topic six months ago.
After all that was done the guy gave me some dust coveres for the fire alarms, telling me that these things will block out the stuff that sets them off so that I won't have to worry about when I'm cooking setting off the fire alarms. Which is great because the reason the fire alarms where broken was mostly because someone probably sabotaged them.
I then when home afterwards, got myself some sandwiches, which I pressed down as flat as possible, I watched the last few episodes of Parks and Recreation and then drove to Toowon and then too the train to the city to check out what comics I had this week and to go ask QUT when next years graduation for semester 1 would be. The line for the student centre was very very long so I gave up before I started, I'll head back out there later today(Friday) and wait it out. I got my comic books, walked to Hanachi's and got the Pork Curry and ate it very slowly while I read my books. After failing to chew on anything for about five minutes I elected to go to Indro after I got back from the city and buy some mouth medicine and some origami paperbecause I'm out of paper and I feel the need to fold some elephants and cranes sometime soon.
After that I went to Matts house and cooked dinner, we went out afterwards to get some food for next Tuesday night's dinner, I'm thinking of making Spaghetti on Tuesday but my cousin will be there so I don't know if we'll have enough meat for the whole affair.
I ended up falling asleep at about 8pm before Luiz left waking up at random until he left, so I passed out on the couch and set my alarm for 1030 so I could wake up and write this entry up. Sadly I slept through the alarm, well I actually woke up for about a minute, then took the battery out of my phone because I couldn't work out how to turn the alarm off in my half awake state.
I woke up again at about 6.30 and realised I'd forgotten to write or upload this entry, so I'm 9 hours late give or take, which is a shame. Hopeuflly I'll be on time tonight.

Twitter Feed of the day: I didn't really twit yesterday, but pretty much any Canadian actor who was complaining about the riot gets credit in my books. And the guys that cleaned up the mess and had pretty much everything back to working order by the morning deserve kudos.
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