101 Fictional Kinks

Oct 05, 2011 10:02

I've been working on this intermittently over the past few days, in the interest of rewarding myself for progress made on course reading. These aren't necessarily sexual kinks -- rather, they are things I enjoy when reading or writing. They aren't really in any kind of order, but at least they're here! Stolen from stultiloquentia on Dreamwidth.

The list goes ever, ever on... )

writing: process, fandom: general

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Comments 5

gileonnen October 5 2011, 10:55:39 UTC
You, my dear, have the best taste in literary kinks. Edit: Apparently I think so because, lo those many years ago, I did the same bloody meme.


acrossthefloors October 5 2011, 12:45:30 UTC
Aaah, and now I want to steal all of yours! Your point 11, and point 45 -- there is not enough yes in the world for point 67, and point 40 is making me want to write a story about a tea-shop owner who lives a double life as a magic-powered defender of the world, and... yes, I could probably go on like this for quite some time. Yay, meme!


gileonnen October 5 2011, 12:46:56 UTC
I wish to redo this meme. ^___^ It was such a delight the first time around, and now I've got all of these fantastic new ideas for it!


acrossthefloors October 5 2011, 12:52:12 UTC
I think you should! I'd love to see how your tastes and interests have changed since the first time you did it. ^__^


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acrossthefloors November 20 2011, 12:43:09 UTC
Hello! Certainly you may feel free -- here is the master post with links to similar lists, if you need inspiration.


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