Teh Survey of DOOM
The Basics
Name: Tiffany
Nickname: Tiffachu
Gender: As far as I know, female...
Likes: Interesting clothing, reading, filling out surveys, taking care of sick people
Dislikes: People who are full of themselves, hypoglycemic attacks, talking with uneducated people.
Strong Points: I am determined and intelligent.
Weak Points: I can be quite silly sometimes.
Kindly share something few people know about you.
The Middle Part
Is the glass half full or half empty?:
Would you cross the bridge, ignore the bridge and find a longer route, burn the bridge, or burn it while you were in the middle of it, just for argument's sake?: I would just cross the bridge, I'm really not all too violent if not provoked and if I am on a mission, I just want to get it done.
Colour or color?:I really like "colour" because spelling things with what I call the british "u" is awesome. Like liquor or favourite.
Favourite quote?: Shoot for the moon, if you miss, you'll end among the stars.
Favourite Colour?:I like vibrant oranges, they make me excited. ^_~
Past times?: I enjoy dancing and singing like most teenagers, but I guess I can say working out. Pilates is great.
The Ending Part
Favourite FFVII character?: Reno or Cid...Just imagining them at a party with lots of alcohol is humourous to me.
Least Favourite?: Sephiroth, he's the bad guy, and no matter how bad ass he is....I don't like him.
Which one you think you're most like and why?: Hell if I know. ^_^
Would you like to be voted male or female?: Preferably female, but if I am blatantly a male character, than vote me as a male.
How did you hear about
acratings? I just stumbled on it from another rating community, I am not quite sure which one though.
Anything else? I am really sorry if I typed with terrible grammar in the title. I took French in high school.
PICTURES!!! Please post at least two or three clear pictures, but you can post more. No cosplay pics unless those are the only ones you honestly have >_>;; Or, describe yourself. We really wanna know if we're stalking the right person ;}
Sorry if they are a tad blurry, my boyfriend isn't the best photographer.