It had been quite a spur-of-the-moment type of thing that had surprised everyone when they had heard of her plans, surprised further when she had never acted as if it was anything out of the ordinary. If you asked her when she was in a particular mood she would say she had been thinking and planning for it most of her life. Whether that was true or not though, no one really knew. She had never had anyone close who she told everything to, not even the ‘best friend’ since grade one up until after high school was completed, she had never told anyone what went on inside her head. Not even to any boyfriend - no matter how serious they had been, not even her parents...although they like most parents liked to think they knew their child the best.
She had always been bitter, always annoyed quickly by the slightest things and when issues had built up she simply decided that she didn’t have any reason as to why she should have to stick around anymore. Her contract with the Government had ended and although there were several positions available to her, she wasn’t interested in any of them; she was picky as to where she would work even though there were hundreds to give anything to have her opportunities. She had been in a new group of friends for almost a year and they had grown steadily more annoying. If there was one thing Tait couldn’t stand, it was people being hypocrites or those who did nothing else but bitch about others. A few other things had included themselves to the drama and so one day she had informed her parents she was off on a road trip. She packed her two suitcases and made her cat comfortable in the passenger seat and then left. She had no destination in mind, no attachments anywhere and quite a range of experience under her belt from working as a checkout chick, a photo developer, a children’s entertainer, a government employee and a bar tender...and she was only 20 years old, her 21st only months away.
With her iPod plugged in and her favourite music blaring, her cat sleeping happily on the seat beside her and her car with a fresh tank of petrol she couldn’t think of anywhere she would rather be. She felt free; she had no ties to anywhere or anyone so the only question now was where to go first. A month in every town that looked interesting to start off sounded good. Unlike most Australians living down the track somewhere remote didn’t sound too bad and that was where she was heading to. It wasn’t like she had much of a choice though, as her hometown was in the Northern Territory, right at the top of Australia, and she was planning to slowly work her way down south. Perhaps this would be her journey. Of self discovery and all that other shit you always heard about.
002. Slow, Slow, Quick! --->