Remus grinned wryly at his friend.
"What?" Sirius asked after a moment, a happy grin on his face as well.
"It's just good to see you." Remus replied quietly. "It' strange to be without you all, to be the lone marauder for years upon years...and then I suddenly find out that you're not a double crosser and you're not out to kill Harry...and then I lose you again in a way, since you have to be in hiding...and now we're here." Remus indicated the Black house. "It's like you've come back from the dead."
"It feels like I have." Sirius agreed. "Everything feels raw, you know? So much has changed..."
"And yet it feels almost exactly they old times." Remus finished off his sentence for him. They both lifted their mugs and drained the rest of the firewhiskey, sighing with content afterwards.
"So, how does it feel to be just that little more free?" Remus asked after a beat of comfortable silence.
Sirius paused at this, not quite looking as pleased as Remus assumed he would.
"It's not quite...freedom." Sirius began to explain. "...I'm locked in here, I can never leave, whereas before I was outside and I could travel..."
Remus understood at once now, he knew well how much Sirius liked to be outdoors, liked to travel...the enchanted motorbike after all...
"Here is a lot more comfortable and better in every other way though." Sirius continued. "I'm with friends, I'm warm, dry well fed and clean, I get to see you and Harry and I can help in every way I can's just that..."
"You should be a free man." Remus finished for him once more, making Sirius smile and nod.
"Still...things aren't fair for anyone really, are they?" Sirius mused aloud as he refilled both mugs to the brim. "Peter still exists out there can't have a real job...Harry has no parents...thes children are growing up to have a future of an unavoidable war and my poor cousins affections for my best friend are being rejected." Sirius ended with a sly grin, making Remus choak a little on his drink as he blushed and remained otherwise silent about the comment.
Sirius let them both remain in silence, both musing to themselves over life in general as they drained mug after mug, slowly getting more and more drunk, just like old times. Well, at least like that last time at James batchlor party...
After a while, Sirius noticed Remus staring at him with a small grin.
"You just look so...wild." Remus explained in amusement.
Sirius winked, and tried to push his overgrown mane like hair behind his shoulder. In this time away from civilisation cutting his hair hadn't exactly been a priority on his list, and how it was still wild and uncut. Molly had plans to cut it the very next day. Sirius however, was strangely proud of it all. He grinned at Remus and replied delicately.
"I'm just having a bad hair day."
<--- 010. Morbid ||
012. Many Other Gifts --->