Maybe he is a geek, maybe he isn't. Sometimes he wonders if he belongs in the drama group at all, but then he remembers why.
There's quite a few reasons why, actually. When he had been younger he had enjoyed acting a lot more, before he had discovered the technical side to things. There was no other course in the school where he could even get remotely close to a lighting rig or a sound board, so he remained in the class. He remains there so he can get the experience he needs, so when he leaves school and endeavours to find a traineeship at the local Entertainment Centre, he has half an idea of what they're on about. He has it all planned out.
He also stays in the class so he doesn't have to do sports or Christian Perspectives as well.
Then of course, not to sound mushy or anything, there was her.
Tahla Letreche. What a beautiful, feisty woman. And he knew he could be the one to beat her down.
He imagines being with her, finally taming the raw bitch unlike that sap Salvator seems to have failed in doing. That idiot follows her around like a blind puppy, putting up with her insults and curses, and Tommy knows that Salvator is nothing to her, that she's only with him for boredoms sake and to have someone to play with.
He could be something to her. A real something. She reminds him so much of Jordan from that TV show SCRUBS. He of course was Dr Cox, and he could just imagine Tahla shoving him up against a wall, kissing him angrily and biting at his skin, her hands everywhere as she touched and pulled and scratched him, and then after it would be sweet.
He would soon beat her down to be his obedient girlfriend, and then hell, why not, after high school, his wife. She would be solid enough to hold down a good job, probably something with the government. He wouldn't let her continue with this idiotic acting any longer after high school was over of course. It would be time to raise money and support them both while he chased his own dreams of being a techie. That would be the life. Spend a few days setting up lights (which was easy) and then spending weeks flicking switches and watching performance after performance. Hell, he'd even bring Tahla to a few to keep her happy. She always had loved watching such pointless things.
He'd look after her. He'd make her actually happy unlike how she was now. Pretending to be all cold and elite, pretending to smile at that idiot Salvator...
Yeah, he'd make her happy, and beat her down to be his property. Just to get back for all the unhappy thoughts she'd put him though. She'd been so hurtful...
All he has to do is catch her in his web...
He picks up his mobile, and dials.
<--- 034. Shooting Star ||
036. Tangle --->