021. Mini-Marker - June/July - Rambles & Snippets - Fiction[NET]

Jun 11, 2006 22:23

Nearly everyone brings a pillow and some sort of blanket to the weekend rehearsals. It's always cold in the theatre room since the air conditioner settings aren't adjustable and the room is so wide without much furniture. It has a carpet in the middle of the room and a ew black long blocks pushed up against one wall, a makeshift stage. In most classrooms they're a third of the size and tables and chairs take up most of the space, but our theatre room has the same air conditioner settings for god knows whatever reason.
Most people will get an hour or so, if they're lucky of rehearsal time even though we get there at 8am and don't leave until 9pm. Main characters though can be on stage for most of it, which is lucky because you're warm and moving around, not bored. For everyone else...we still have to be there, bored or doing school work...which still means you're bored, and so you curl up in a corner with your pillow, blanket and either a script or your homework for the week and you sleep the hours away.
Truthfully though, we do love being there. Sometimes it's rough feeling as if you've wasted a whole day sitting on the sidelines, watching your coworkers mess up and you sit there, "knowing" you could do better and that it should be you up there instead. But at the end of the day...well, no, not day. At the end of the day you're still pissed...so...say...at the end of a performance I guess, you love what you do and you miss it like hell. You can't stand the fact that there's no longer anything to do on the weekends except what normal people do like go to the movies...parties...shopping...Do you know how BORING that is?!
I like being strange, being ordinary is boring. Going to school on weekends, holidays...staying there after school every Friday if not more and using up your lunch times for auditions, script readings, costume fittings...without that life is just...


It's a normal day for us though, we're at rehearsal and it's cold, we're all wrapped up in our blankets and Natalie is fast asleep. She's one of the youngest in our group, she usually works on Front of House and we don't usually pay her much attention. The best of our class are in the higher years of highschool so the younger ones...well...most of them aren't anything special. We talk to them during lunch though, or at the shops if we run into each other in our normal 'outside' life.
Yet still, they're the little kids and they don't have much of a special standing in our group, so when they sleep we draw on their faces with a mini-marker. They take it well. But only because they know they'll be able to do it to others in a few years time.

<--- 020. Doom || 022. Yin and Yang--->

original writing: thespian comforts, fiction[net]: rambles & snippets

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