Title: We Never Lost Control Fandom: Life On Mars Pairing: Sam/Gene Rating: T Genre: Romance Summary: Sam and Gene over the years. Title from "The Man Who Sold The World", by David Bowie.
I don't know if you still check LJ... but I just wanted to let you know that I'm a huge fan of your Life on Mars fics. This one here is in my bookmarks and I've read it a lot ever since I discovered it months ago... and it's still one of the most perfect Sam/Gene fics I have ever read. It's so simple yet heartfelt, true to all the characters of the show, so fitting with the atmosphere... And it just makes me ache for a relationship like theirs, because it's imperfect and perfect at the same time.
I hope this makes any sense. It's just one of the most beautiful fics I have ever read. Thank you for writing it. ♥
Comments 3
I utterly adore the way you write these two. This is just perfect, every word. ♥
I hope this makes any sense. It's just one of the most beautiful fics I have ever read. Thank you for writing it. ♥
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