nog slechter dan de vorige keer en toen had ik een 4.7. Ik moet een 5.8 halen (een 5.5 is bij ons nog geen voldoende, een 5.8 wel) en dat heb ik ECHT niet. En dat is goed KUT want nu loopt mijn studie dus NOG een half jaar uit. Dan heb ik straks 3 jaar gedaan over iets waar 'normale' studenten 2 jaar over doen. Maar stoppen is ook niet echt een optie want dan heb ik anderhalf jaar voor Jan L** gestudeerd. :(
I'm sure he's grateful for that.. i guess that's what evolution is about - making your appendices highly unappetizing, so that bigger carnivores are not too interested in them :D
(with it being the chinese year of the dog starting today, and us bumping into the procession with dragons et al. in Paris today, we couldn't refrain from a few highly un-nin-politically correct jokes, as horrible the original material for it may be. I think that's the problem with T.R., that his proselytism is so unreflected that he triggers all the counter-reactive tendencies one never had as a teenager.. speaking of which, you wouldn't happen to be on the spiral forum, would you ?)
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en ik meld me morgen ziek (hatsjoe!) dus ga zelfs een kaarsje voor je aansteken. O:-) als dat niet helpt! succes hoor!
Ben jij wel weer beter? :)
..and good luck for the next twenty-four hours, then !
Thanks for the well-wishes! :)
(with it being the chinese year of the dog starting today, and us bumping into the procession with dragons et al. in Paris today, we couldn't refrain from a few highly un-nin-politically correct jokes, as horrible the original material for it may be. I think that's the problem with T.R., that his proselytism is so unreflected that he triggers all the counter-reactive tendencies one never had as a teenager.. speaking of which, you wouldn't happen to be on the spiral forum, would you ?)
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