Title: The Stars Are Not Wanted Now (or: Who Killed John Winchester?) - part 2 of ?
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairing(s): Dean, Castiel, Bobby, Sam/Ruby (endgame Dean/Cas)
Genre: dystopian, post-apocalyptic, sort-of-but-also-not-really-mob AU, including always-human!cas, mystery, also a touch of romance!
Rating: overall R
Word Count: 3455 (of
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Comments 10
I get that Sam is upset, that's understandable, and he's still only a kid, so he's not likely to have the same drive for revenge as Dean does. Hopefully Dean will see that when he calms down a bit. Will Sam change his mind and help once he's calmed down a bit? Is this version of Ruby as nefarious as canon!Ruby? Will Dean have to save Sam, too?
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Ooh, I wish so much I could answer these questions, ha ha - I'm having so much fun with this plot. XD Hopefully, though, it will all come out soon. Thanks again for reading and leaving feedback!
I am loving it so far.
More! More! :D
I really appreciate you taking the time to say something! This is sort of a ~weird idea for me, but one that I'm secretly really, really, really fond of, so every comment (no matter how few! :P) is just incredibly encouraging, and a real treat to get. Thank you again!
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