"Sevenfold" Yellow: Lust

Feb 06, 2009 17:25

Color: Yellow
Sin: Lust
Chapter Title: Best Served Cold (19/49)
Word Count: 330
Disclaimer: Not mine.


No matter what she did, the shadow was always there, looming over them.

She had been a consolation prize. At first, she had convinced herself otherwise, convinced herself that he cared about her more than anything, that he genuinely wanted her - but that was a lie. He had accepted her, taken her when there was nothing else for him to take. Yes, he had grown to care about her, grown to accept her love, but if ever his own feelings were called into question he would be the first to deny any lasting relationship - and the first to deny that he had merely settled for second place, with her as his only prize.

And only she knew how he dreamed of one day becoming the champion. Only she knew how manically he still pursued his goal, practicing hour after hour in scenario after scenario, hiring strategists and analysts and making plan after plan... Hoping, dreaming, knowing that he could one day become the world’s top duelist again.

Any relationship they might have had was in shambles, held together only by her fierce, blinding love. She would watch as his eyes burned with his lust for revenge, his inner fires stoked, his passion for victory working him into a manic frenzy. He was never that passionate with her - never more than lukewarm or cold.

She did her best to hold it off, but it was hard not to feel resentful. The only man she ever truly loved was blind to that love, and her relationship with her - former - best friend was ruined, because he was a better duelist than her lover was. Day after day she watched him seethe, aching for a chance to overthrow the champion and “reclaim” his rightful title.

He would never learn to love her. They would never be happy together. And all because of a short, kind-hearted boy with spiky yellow hair, who dueled with his heart and couldn’t be beaten.



misc.: yellow, rating: pg, genre: angst, fandom: ygo, pairing: seto/anzu, length: 101-500 words, character: kaiba seto, fic: sevenfold, misc.: lust, character: mazaki anzu/téa gardner, character: yugi mutou

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