Title: Of Lies And...
kyuppuccinoPairing: Sungmin / Kyuhyun (slight Kangin / Kyuhyun)
Rating: R (for cussing and implied sex, but it's a rather clean fanfiction)
Summary: Kyuhyun is jealous, and possessive.
Dedicated to: Maylene; and Katrina for reading it first.
Word-count: 7205 words.
Extra info: unusual pattern, partially timed story.
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Comments 13
Aww I love it <333!!
Kyumin <333! Gahh Finally someone wrote a KyuMin fanfic again <33~~!!
Kyuhyun is so stubborn to see his fault at the beginning but I'm glad he realized it soon. ^__-
I love every time scene you wrote. Very awesome ^__^!!
And the fact that they understand each other without words is ..love <33~
Fortunately, Kyuhyun could make it up.
But he can't help doing it. Always so possessive , eh ;D? Poor Sungmin @__@
great job ^-^!! *spread the Kyumin love*
But... what's a PMP? >.
im nt good with words but this is so gorgeous.
the tinge of sadness at first n agony.
but the sweetness of it later after making-up.
its all so beautiful <3
rofl n some parts left me giggling. alienhae n hyuk's pmp full of yadong. :DDD n the sooyoung part at the end. ROFL.
overall, its really a beautiful one.
totally enjoyed it.
umma hwaiting~
hire me? :D
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