Fic: Shooting the Messenger

Sep 06, 2009 20:06

Title: Shooting the Messenger
Category: Angst, H/C
Episode Related: Entity.
Season: 4
Pairing: Jack/Sam
Rating: PG+
Warnings: 1 or 2 bad words
Disclaimer: Still not mine, I keep checking ... but it's still not mine
Summary: Daniel attempts to talk to Jack after the events of Entity
AN: This is based in my canon - where ... I dunno, Jack and Sam left it in ( Read more... )

fic: stargate, ship: sam/jack

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Comments 5

sharp2799 September 6 2009, 13:55:40 UTC
I really liked how this was tied to how Jack was in the very beginning. And Sam must be a very good friend for Daniel to brave the wrath of Jack!

And yes, sequel please!


achairsomewhere September 7 2009, 02:06:04 UTC
:) thanks, and thanks for the earlier comment - *sigh* i hate lj formatting why can't it just read my mind and do what i ask it?? :P


wanderingsmith September 7 2009, 04:57:07 UTC
love how you described Jack's reactions. on the dot :)


achairsomewhere September 7 2009, 08:03:48 UTC
:) thanks!
am writing the ... sequel (spose that's what i'll call it) and jack's stopped sounding like jack :( ... seems i need to watch an episode to get the voice right *g*:P


wanderingsmith September 7 2009, 16:17:38 UTC
oh the sacrifice we make for our art....LOL


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