Sanctuary Review Kush Part 1

Jan 28, 2011 16:01

Sanctuary S01E05 Kush


To the Queen concert, and step on it! AT actually makes that wig look good!

We open on a scene from the webisodes.

John's actually happy! This is rare indeed!

I love these flashbacks with the Five. They bring us back to how the Sanctuary started, to the origin of the Five. John is thanking Helen, basically, for sticking with him and overlooking appearances.

Aw, they're so cute together!

Then he proposes to her.

Better than the Walmart parking lot!

This scene is a bit of a retcon, since it makes it seem as if John's ability and nature are natural, not from the Source Blood. Whether it is or isn't retconning turns out to irrelevant as we see it's just Helen's dream. We cut to Helen in a frozen plane as John's promise to make her happy for all eternity fades.

That would be my expression too after learning I was stranded in the middle of a frozen mountain range in a wrecked plane. Totes.

Will is with Helen,

Will realizes that maybe he shouldn't have called in sick today.

as is Silvio, their weapons dealer.


Oh, this doesn't look promising...

Also turns out that Helen would be a lot safer next to Jack the Ripper than where she currently is.

Cut to the theme!

Act 1

Yeah, not promising at all. This is one of those, "Well, crap," moments.

We uncover more people, and we start to see that we have a cast almost as big as Lost's. I'm not capping the intros, as we'll see them a lot. I also get the feeling we're gonna be seeing a lot of this set.

Hai thar, front of the set!

Hai thar, back of the set! Looks like we'll be seeing a lot of both of you, since you're the entire set!

{Now's a good time for If Nikola Was in This Ep! If he was in the plane, we'd be better off since we'd at least have electricity.

If he was at the Sanctuary, he could probably rig some weather controlling device.


We do get some neat Lost vibes here.

A dead copilot. Hmmmm. I woulda lol'ed if Grunny (Greg Grunberg) had cameoed here!

Lucky the sat phone works (and she didn't have to climb a mountain or tune into a looping distress call or avoid polar bears), and Helen's able to call Ash.

Heck of a satellite phone. My GPS won't work if there's a touch of fog... Maybe it's powered by magical abnormal powers?

Now all they have to do is wait 5 hours for a rescue team to find them in the mountains in a storm. It'll be a snap. Be home for dinner, even!

Turns out Team Sanctuary was shipping cargo. A snow creature or something. Apparently it got loose, slashed the pilot, and led to the plane crash.

Frickin' PETA...

{I'm pretty sure Nikola could have used his vampire senses to track down the creature. They gotta be useful for more than just sniffing wine.


Rather an interesting twist: the Sanctuary's stated job is to protect both abnormals and humans from each other. Here they've nabbed an abnormal, taking it from its habitat, and its escape led to the death of, thus far, one person. We'll continue this discussion later as the body count climbs.

Coffee break on the Vancouver set.

A sherpa is stowed away. Tashi, he's called.

Kashi was looking for new cereal flavors. Mm, snow!

As with your typical disaster/trapped together ep or movie, the survivors are starting to panic. This is even more common when there's a snow creature loose.

Hai thar! Welcome aboard! You'll all be dead by the end of the flight!

We have a few of the usual suspects, too. The annoying dude,

Commence to ranting, guy-I-wouldn't-want-to-be-trapped-with!

the people who are in control, the quiet ones, the guilty-looking one.

Here we have the In Shock Corner.

Helen's totes good at taking charge, so she steps up. They start plugging the holes in the plane. The music here reminds me of the Carnivale soundtrack.

This scene makes me cold.

Unfortunately, there's a storm, and help can't arrive for days. Ash takes charge to lead a team. Nice dual leadership from mother and daughter.

Well crap.

We learn what Kush means: Slayer of Hindus. The weather is nasty.

Any Hindus on board? Ooh, bad luck for them!

It seems like the pilot failed and thus helped cause the plane crash. Good misdirect.

"What do you mean, you've 'never heard of autopilot'?!"

The critical coffee vs tea scene. Helen only drinks tea. They mention this seemingly in passing but stress it enough that we remember. Will moves quickly on to talking about their food stores, which are low. The scene is well done, since this information will prove integral to the plot later, but the writers didn't "hang a lantern on it."

Any show that can make drink choices critical to survival rocks in my book.

{After Nikola captured the snow creature, he could have devoted the rest of the ep to bugging/hitting on Helen and snarking at Will.


Everyone is dreaming. Helen is having another John dream. I really like these moments, because it lets us see how Helen wants to see John, how she used to see him. Really was a sweet relationship, which makes the present state of affairs all the sadder.

Mm, freezing to death is so comfortable!

Can't say as I'd object to waking up to that.

She wakes up to find the pilot dead.


...Crap. Person lying in pool of own blood is never good.

Aaaand we're out! Not bad at all.

Act 2

The rest of the passengers are growing restless. Helen and Will are still in control, though.

Are you a bad enough dude to take on Helen Magnus? Didn't think so.

The death looks like a suicide, and the bottle doesn't help. Team Sanctuary isn't totally convinced, though.

TAPS! Stop blocking my view!

Meantime, Helen has waking visions of John. That's a bit more upsetting than dreams! Whatever's affecting her is growing stronger.

I'm kinda wishing she was dreaming of Nikola right now. What?

Silvio thinks Kashi is the killer. He threatens him, even though Tashi doesn't speak English. Silvio talks about his GF. Good way of letting us know about the GF. Some of the other passengers hear him, which adds to the misdirect later when Silvio bites it.

Never trust the cereal makers...

Now Will's having visions.

Oh that's reassuring.

I'd be a bit more upset if I'd just seen what he saw.

But he's awakened when the annoying guy is caught trying to steal weapons. The growing danger the passengers pose to one another heightens the tension nicely.

Honestly, Silvio is crazier than this dude.

More John dreams. Or are they dreams?

She's totes fine with seeing Old!John in a plane stranded in the mountains. Gotta love dreams.

Silvio gets shanked - by his glowing GF. From the dreams thus far we can see that they involve people the victims felt strongly about.

"Do you like what I've done with the curtains? I feel the cargo-bay look really sets off the walls."

Aaaand we're out on Silvio's corpse! Lovely.

I suppose this is supposed to show that even the "regular" characters are expendable? Yeah, I'll believe that when I see Henry go. Wait, no, forget I said that!

Part 2!

nikola tesla, sanctuary, picspam, amanda tapping, helen magnus, tv, crack, review, jonathon young

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