Title: What Still Remains(One-shot)
ace3851Rating: G
airing: Ohmiya(main), Sakuraiba
Length: One-Shot
Genre: Love, Friendship, Changes
Disclaimer: Arashi is not mine... for now. (HAHAHAHA no.)
Summary: Everyone grows up. Ninomiya Kazunari understands because, one day, it happens to him, too.
Here! )
Comments 10
-I'm a stalker- FIRST!
This is cute. I love their oh so normal-ness, but loving-ness.
Ohohoh! Driving test! The actual test to get your license or your like learners(?)/permit(?). Don't know what you'd call it where you are.
But it's easy!
I failed my actual license test though.. I hit a pole while trying to park LOL.
... I'm clumsy. (:
I now have my license though! I'm a good driver now! xD ... Just still have problems parking .. still.
Good luck! ♥
It's only the written part(I passed, but it was SO easy & I feel like an idiot for even bothering to study).
I've never actually been behind the wheel yet... And I'm kind of TERRIFIED because, in driver's ed, all we really did was watch crash videos, photos of people who died in accidents(it was the scariest and most revolting thing I've ever seen), and listen to parents cry about their teens who died driving...... Oh, and a truck driver came in and talked to us for about two whole hours, and he basically told us that, is we drive next to, behind or anywhere close to a truck, we WILL DIE. :,)
Thanks! ;)
That's what we did, but I'm not a very good listener so I just read fics on my phone the whole time LOL.
I like how the both of them just naturally interact with each other! ^^
Good luck for your driving test! I remember being nervous but it wasn't that bad in the end. ^^
omg these words >_____<
and so sweet when they in rooftop <3
thanks for writing ^O^
I really loved it!
All these feelings and the awesomeness of everything! Wahoo ♥
Thanks so much for sharing ♥
And good luck for your driving test ! :3
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