The Group:
Alfred F. Jones (The United States of America):
shisukoisaArthur Kirkland (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland):
exorcistor The Photographers:
theoneeruEditing by
exorcistor Preview:
This was a just-for-fun cosplay which we did during Peppcon, the convention arranged to heighten the spirit for Uppcon; Sweden's biggest con which tales place the 9 to 11th of April.
America bids England welcome to the Awesome City. Except it's not actually one of his cities; it's Sweden's.
America: R I adorable nao?
America being cute with our dear photographer, Akira :)
Inspired by this hilarious fanart I saw once. LAWL USA YOU CHUBBY.
We found new, detachable, eyebrows for England.
...which America of course had to try out as well.
As a punishment for making fun of his eyebrows, England had America act footrest.
America found a cupcake which suited his tastes!
Good god, you'd have to be colourblind to eat that 8|
Warning: Shounen-ai up ahead. If this is something that offends you, I suggest you cut your visit to this entry short here ;)
England: Perhaps you should not have had that cupcake, America.
America: DDD: Stop making fun of my weight!
England: Don't worry, I still find you quite attractive.
America: Prove it 8) Kiss me, right here, right now! :D
England: N-not in front of all these people you fool!
America: Hah, I won't believe you until you kiss me!
England: ...git. ♥
Thank you for looking and I hope you enjoyed! I hope to see some of you at Uppcon!