On MegaTokyo, briefly

Sep 16, 2008 20:10

It occurred to me the other day that, the last time I could remember MegaTokyo updating on a regular/reliable enough basis that one could refresh the page at midnight and expect to see the new strip go up, was around when Fred was still working a full-time job, or maybe a little into just after.

To be fair, I'm generally not very critical of webcomics' updating schedules; after all, many (or even most) are done by the artists in their spare time as a hobby or such, in addition to their regular work. And similarly, there are many things that can come up to interfere with it- writer's/artist's block, family emergencies, illness, and so on.

However on the other hand, when one is doing something as, effectively, their full-time job, there is a certain obligation to meet deadlines consistently and regularly, lest people be disappointed or otherwise lose interest and withdraw their support and patronage. Therefore, the pressures to keep up to task are presumably greater, and the standard harsher and less forgiving.

And so we're left with an interesting bit of irony in the matter here. As well as the reason I've never seriously tried drawing a webcomic myself.

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