The Summer Sets Have Leaked, and They're Beautiful! (Pic Spam!!!)

Apr 16, 2021 18:50

So final release photos of the first wave we've known about for a couple of months have finally hit the interwebs, and goodness are they lovely. (Apparently they went live a bit early on the Spanish amazon store, and we have to thank for archiving many of these plus a bunch of Instagram users (special thanks to YetiZombie for collecting the pictures), and basically the net went wild capturing away (I have no idea where the pictures of Fawkes and the buildable figs came from, for example), and here we are. Oodles of eye candy!) But that's not enough, oh no, we've got pix of four more sets from the summer series, both from the 20th anniversary collection and regular edition, and it's safe to say the Harry Potter / Wizarding World line has received a boatload of love. Lego is trying some new things and a decent variety of builds, and I'll be eager to see what sticks moving forward.

There's so much to absorb, I'm highlighting the very new stuff in red. Most of the pics are available in larger form if you click on them.

We're getting the first peek at the new "collectible" Chocolate Frog cards, and I think it's a lovely idea! In much the same way they're including random tiles in the Vidiyo series (I'll do a report on that in the near future) we'll find a few "cards" in a couple of the sets, so far four in the Hogsmeade set, and six in the Chamber of Secrets set. More to follow? We'll have to wait and see.

If you've been following this comm you should know we'll be seeing at least the following six golden minifigs as part of the 20th anniversary celebration:

With the somewhat understandable exception of Voldemort, these are five of the nine characters to appear as minifigures in the initial Harry Potter Lego series released twenty years ago. (We're still missing Hagrid, Draco and Dumbledore. The ninth, Peeves, is deemed unlikely to put in a reappearance as he wasn't depicted in a form later used on Pottermore or in the franchise's artwork, and he never appeared in the films.)

You'll find those six figs included in the following sets, sorted by price ascending:
Harry - Polyjuice Potion Mistake / Third Floor Girls' Lav
Quirrell - First Flying Lesson
Hermione - Fluffy Encounter / Forbidden Corridor
Snape - Wizard's Chess
Ron - Hogsmeade Village Visit
Voldemort - Chamber of Secrets / Great Hall

So let's take a look at each of those sets:

Polyjuice Potion Mistake / Third Floor Girls' Lav

Notable: confirmation that the trio will be wearing Slytherin robes, which is great for increasing the size and House diversity of our student body. (Previously that torso piece was only available in the wicked pricey Diagon Alley set, so it's great to come by three so affordably.) Harry and Ron are supposed to have Goyle and Crabbe faces (and presumably hair) as well. Cat-person Hermione! ('Nuff said.) 2 Chocolate Frog Cards. Stackable Anniversary set. Golden Harry.

There's some indication that the set may provide an egress to reach the Chamber of Secrets, see the pictures from that set below.

First Flying Lesson

Notable: thankfully doesn't include any of our trio. Has a new Remembrall piece. In contrast to 2002's 4711 Flying Lesson, the set includes Neville instead of Harry. Neville and Draco are in their respective House robes. All new Hooch minifig. Includes a statue for Neville to get caught on. From the format, presumably also a stackable Anniversary set, but details haven't been released yet. This set should cost a tenner more than the lavatory set. Other than an extra minifig, I'm curious to see what it contains (on the reverse side, say) that accounts for the price jump. 2 Chocolate Frog Cards. Golden Quirrell.

Fluffy Encounter / Forbidden Corridor

Notable: new Fluffy. The trio are in their Gryffindor school robes (and happily not all the same version thereof), so if we're being picky, this set is predominantly their first encounter with Fluffy, although the harp and what looks like it might be Devil's Snare in one of the pictures below would indicate it's to serve as the finale from PS as well (anything else would be silly), those outfits however are thus far exclusive to the Chess Set. Contrast with 4706 the Forbidden Corridor set from 2001, which contained the book accurate flute instead. 2 Chocolate Frog Cards. Stackable Anniversary set. Golden Hermione.

Wizard's Chess

Notable: Golden Snape! And we're finally seeing the trio in their civilian clothes from the end of Philosopher's Stone. (I love Hermione's cardigan.) There are apparently no studs on the board, which makes it easier to recreate scenes from the movie, but some feel it will be more difficult to store / display. (Given most chess sets somehow make due without studs, I don't quite see it that way... 😉) 3 Chocolate Frog Cards.

Hogsmeade Village Visit

Notable: The Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes. First ever Madam Rosmerta and Mr. & Mrs. Flume minifigs. New Professor McGonagall and Dean Thomas. (I wish Dean weren't wearing gloves, but I suppose it makes it easier to swap heads to create a different character with the same torso.) Wanted poster for Sirius Black. Butter Beer pieces previously limited to the series 2 CMFs (this time with "froth" 😉). Acid Pops! (Can't wait to see all the details.) 4 Chocolate Frog Cards. Golden Ron.

Chamber of Secrets / Great Hall

How things stack together with this set and combined with others:

Notable: The Great Hall is meant to convert to the duelling club. Three Gryffindor robes, and one each for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. (No Slytherin robes, but in light of the three included in the Polyjuice Potion set, I think that's fair.) First ever Colin Creevey, Justin Finch-Fletchley and Professor Sinistra minifigs. New glow in the dark Nearly Headless Nick fig, new Tom Riddle, Professor Dumbledore, and Professor Lockhart figs. Firstie Luna Lovegood. (I don't even care that we didn't see her until her year four as long as we get the Ravenclaw robes.) Basilisk. Pixies. Six Chocolate Frog Cards. Sorting Hat. Sword of Gryffindor. Tom Riddle's Diary. Stackable Anniversary set. Golden Voldemort.

There's no flying Fawkes figure included (or any other Fawkes for that matter). Maybe we'll get one in the buildable Fawkes model below. I wished they'd included Snape instead of Dumbledore. (Without Fawkes, the Headmaster makes even less sense in this set.) For the iconic duelling scene, both Draco and Snape are missing, and Snape isn't even in this wave at all (except in golden form). The good news, both Slytherins are available affordably in the Potions Classroom Moments set, which suddenly became even more desirable... It might have been nice to give us Percy's girlfriend Penelope (instead of Luna, so we'd still have the robes) as long as we're including characters who were petrified by the basilisk. Along those lines, I wish we'd finally get a Madam Pomfrey to tend to the petrified. (We actually have an Infirmary, and still no Pomfrey.) That said, I applaud their effort to increase minifig diversity by including Professor Sinistra, a character that has no lines in the films, and I believe fares no better in the books, iirc. Now the only core course without an instructor is History of Magic. (But as Binns didn't appear in the films at all...)

A few detail shots:

Cherri-owls! Pixiepuffs! The golden owl lectern! The retro snake that menaces Justin! Pink frog! Tea! All Lockhart, all the time. 😆 (I hope they release a few boxes like this in the future giving other Professors similar attention. I'd like to see Trelawney's Divination classroom and Lupin's DADA class with Neville's Boggart Snape, for starters. Perhaps Hagrid with the Skrewts? Some of those would make excellent Moments sets as well.) I like that they've been more generous with the candles, that's something that doesn't cost much and makes it feel more like the movie sets. Ditto the extra chocolate frogs. The door to the CoS is also nicely realised. And maybe, just maybe they've scattered potions around to use for Snape's logic challenge. (I'm sure he'll find it a great consolation in light of his character's exclusion. 😂)

Ultimately while I wish the roofs weren't in a different colour than the 2018+ sets, this wave is much better than I feared, has many nice callbacks to the original sets, and will give us satisfactory boxes to arrange some of our favourite scenes in. I'm looking forward to the summer. 😊

Buildable movable Fawkes

Buildable Giant Minifigs: Harry Potter and Hermione Granger

ETA: The sets have gone live for preorder a good two weeks earlier than expected on the German site!
That's presumably the case in other countries as well, so check your local S@H (Shop at Home -> (Accordingly, I'll upload better pictures later, but it takes a while. Done.) If you are thinking of pre-ordering, would you consider using the affiliate links at stonewars for all the amazing work they do for the lego community? You'll probably need to change the store's country, but the links should still work. (And in case it needs saying, no, I don't earn a cent off advertising here or there, but I do appreciate people who contribute to the HP lego fan community and like to support them. ❤️)
There are double VIP points in the S@H through the 20th of this month. Be sure to ask if that applies to pre-orders as well.

news, lego sets, minifigs, leaks, new releases, coming soon

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