More details of the Great Hall, two more, better detailed shots of DA2 and Potions!

May 03, 2024 00:47

More details of lego Harry Potter's 76435 the Great Hall, followed by two more, better detailed shots of Ollivander's & Madame Malkin's and the Potions Classroom (*swoon*), well worth scrolling through:( Read more... )

cos, coming soon, ps, lego sets, poa, minifigs, leaks, new releases

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Comments 2

erexen May 3 2024, 19:19:20 UTC
Love the super detailed pix!!!


gingerwitch May 4 2024, 09:37:28 UTC
That potions class! The troll is so good, too. And one thing I like that they largely aren't shooing for, so this is for the poor person in the art department, I love the background buildings in the Diagon Alley-lite picture. The right side looks maybe a bit too residential, but the scale is right, the English Tudor is something we've seen repeatedly in artwork for the shops, if not on the set itself, and it makes me want to experiment with other buildings.


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