Who: superninjayuf and still_brooding When: Some time shortly after this exchange Where: Cabin L Rating: PG ~ or is Yuffie a U? Summary: Helpful ninja is helpful; bringing the brooder some nifty games and such to amuse himself.
Angel had transitioned from playing chess to reading a book of Blake's poetry he'd read a million times before. He heard the door being kicked open and got up, padding barefoot into the living room. A crooked smile quirks up one corner of his lips and he takes one bag from her, edging the door shut behind her with his foot and making certain to skirt the shaft of light from the door.
"Just Angel, Yuffie and thank you. Would you like something to drink?"
"Man, I'd kill an OJ about now." Yuffie grinned, warm weather and shopping weren't really her thing, but what the hey. "Thanks." She puts the bag with the games on the counter, battleships -whatever that was, and jigsaws. Gotta be some fun there.
Making herself utterly at home -which was easy to do since her own cabin looked exactly like this one, Yuffie jumped up to sit on the kitchen counter, knocking her heels against the cabinet below.
"You know, it would be real easy to sit and read a book beside the pool. You don't gotta go in or anything. But there are loungers and stuff, you could sit and read there." She shrugged slightly, "if that's your thing."
Angel nodded and got a glass out of the cabinet. All the blinds in the kitchen were drawn tight. He poured a glass of orange juice for Yuffie and handed it to her. At her suggestion about reading by the pool, he ducked his head, attempting to figure out how to explain this to her.
"Uhm...when I said I'm a shut in...I'm literally a shut in for most of the daylight hours." He cleared his throat. "I've--sort of got an allergy to the sun."
She sipped her juice, watching him, an allergy to the sun? "Wow, it must really suck here for you." Daylight probably made him break out in hives or something. "There's this girl back in Wutai who has an allergy to fish, it's not pure serious or anything, she just doesn't do well around them. And we're pretty much a fishing nation -sorta like here only not with the monsters and constant sunshine or darkness, normal twenty four hour days sort of thing."
She paused, simply because she was taking another drink, before starting again. "Anyway, she's allergic to fish, and when she's around fish, or eats it by accident, she gets these big yucky spots on her face that just ooze pus and stuff." Shrugging lightly, the girl just pulled a face. "Ain't pretty. So I guess I can understand."
And then it was like an idea hit her, "Oh! What if we get you a really big hat!" Which was a rather bad idea, but one none the less.
Comments 19
"Just Angel, Yuffie and thank you. Would you like something to drink?"
In general he was a very polite vampire.
Making herself utterly at home -which was easy to do since her own cabin looked exactly like this one, Yuffie jumped up to sit on the kitchen counter, knocking her heels against the cabinet below.
"You know, it would be real easy to sit and read a book beside the pool. You don't gotta go in or anything. But there are loungers and stuff, you could sit and read there." She shrugged slightly, "if that's your thing."
"Uhm...when I said I'm a shut in...I'm literally a shut in for most of the daylight hours." He cleared his throat. "I've--sort of got an allergy to the sun."
She paused, simply because she was taking another drink, before starting again. "Anyway, she's allergic to fish, and when she's around fish, or eats it by accident, she gets these big yucky spots on her face that just ooze pus and stuff." Shrugging lightly, the girl just pulled a face. "Ain't pretty. So I guess I can understand."
And then it was like an idea hit her, "Oh! What if we get you a really big hat!" Which was a rather bad idea, but one none the less.
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