The Basics
Name/Nickname: Melody
Gender: female
Age: 19
Likes: ice skating, cosplaying, anime, video games, family, friends, coloring, people, writing, drawing, sweets, music, art, fairy tales, mermaids, old cartoons, plushies, the beach, bunnies, cultural events, my camera, talking, ancient egypt, books, holidays
Dislikes: coffee, certain people, telling people no, sweat, not having enough time to do something I want to do, plaque, dental visits, doctor visits, having to be the bearer of bad news, listening to fights, being caught in the middle, war, sadness, being wrong. Horror movies scare me. change (for the worse), getting raped, getting pregnant, total social nonexistence, someone cutting off their relationship from me, failure, pressure, surgery, and sickness. I'm a paranoid person, and I won't dress in public the way I do in private solely because of that fact that I could get mugged/killed and/or raped.
Goals: These aren't set in stone, but... I want to write novels, maybe be the editor of a magazine one day. Oh, and I would like to work at Disney World as a face character (preferably a princess). But if not then I’ll work at the 50’s café... maybe.
Fears: roaches, death, absence of love, despair, roaches.
Talents: wiggling my eyebrows... i can draw okay and write decently. cheering people up? I'm good at sudoku and english...
Hobbies: cosplaying, ice skating, hanging out with friends and family members
Strong points: A good long-term memory, and some wisdom. I try hard to be a good friend and to better myself. I try to be positive a lot and make others feel happy. I hate it when people are feeling sad, and I don't know if I'm actually trying to be nice or if I'm just doing it so I don't feel guilty. I'm a very good listener when not distracted, and a glass-half-full person, good friend, intelligent. I'm good at english, I guess... like editing for grammar and such. I've also been told I'm very tolerant. I'm intelligent, too, or so I've been told (this particular trait doesn't like to present istself much, at least, not to me)
Weak points: I'm very self-indulgent. And selfish. And have low self-esteem. And a bad short-term memory. Sometimes I say really stupid things. Sometimes I'm really mean to people and I don't mean it, I don't think before I act. I'm a big packrat and not a very good organizer. GUILT TRIPS! I'm terrible at having a guilt trip! It will make me break down and tell you if I was doing something wrong. Granted, that's only to figures of authority... other than that I can keep a secret and take it to my grave (usually it's b/c I'll forget about it or it will never come up. I'm bad at covering my tracks if you know what I mean. ...Wait, I don't even know what I mean. X_x) I'm indecisive and can't multitask. Not very street smart. Terrible at math. And take too many pictures. And slow to trust people. And easily distracted. And forgetful. I get jealous easily and am rather sensitive. And I'm corny. And klutzy.
The Attitude
Mature or Immature: mostly immature... but mature in some ways. kinda both. depends on the sitaution, how i'm feeling, and the things i know about the situation. but i do act younger than my age.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: optimist, usually. sometimes i can be cyncial, but i always try to find good in something. unless i'm mad or aggravated. then my mind becomes unclear.
Outgoing or Shy: both, depending on the situation. Mostly shy though. But I do talk a lot. I'm inherently social... I think. I talk enough to be.
Calm or Energetic: energetic... unless i'm feeling really lazy. but that only happens on really hot days (example: in louisiana, all summer.)
Brains or Brawn: for me or someone else? I have more brains, but I like a little brawn. However, I'm attracted to guys that are more in my league, and they're usually more brainy. Does that make sense?
Controlled or Impulsive: impulsive. *sigh* I'm working on it...
Determined or Passive: hmm, both... If I have a goal, then determined, but I can be flexible.
Ignorant or Informed: I'm pretty ignorant as a result of being sheltered. I like to be informed, doesn't happen as much as I want it to though.
Patient or Impatient: impatient, however sometimes the amount of patience I have surprises me. Usually I'll be patient for strangers and friends, but not my own family... -_-
Compassionate or Just: compassionate. Even if someone deserves a punishment, if I think it's too much, I'll feel really bad for them. It's so bad I even feel sympathy for objects sometimes.
And yet I inflict damage on people all the time. D:
Confident or Modest: pretty modest. confident only if I've done it a zillion times before- like... beating someone at pokemon or ice skating. scratch that. modest all the time.
The Questions
Let's pretend you are Luke (for this and the next question) and have lived exactly like him for the past seven years in the Fabre mansion and than suddenly one day a "mysterious intruder" attacks your mentor. You block her attack and than wake up in the middle of no where, half way a cross the world . What would your first reaction be?
Honestly, same as his. I'd freak out, demand what was going on, get aggravated with her, etc.
A month later you finally get home. Though it doesn't feel much like home to you; it feels like anywhere else you've been. If this were you right this moment, how would you describe the feeling of your home not feeling like one? ...a little sad? depressed? How do you answer that? Umm... I guess I'd get lost in thought, pondering on the fact that it doesn't feel like home even though it is and maybe it's because I've changed and is that a good thing or a bad thing- that kind of deal. But I get the feeling I'm not really understanding the question...
If you were Tear after she promised to return Luke home, how would you deal with/act towards the boy most of the time once you got to know him? Be just as aggravating to him as he is to me. But still get him home no matter what. It's my fault he's here and I want him off of my hands right now!... Yeah.
If you were Ion before the start of game, trapped in the church, like a pet and only there to serve as a figurehead to the Order of Lorelei, what would you do daily if you only had the choice of doing one thing? Explore the church... maybe sneak out if I could, depending on the security... I don't know. I'd get bored really fast if I was forced to do the same thing day after day... I like to spice things up a little.
If your life could save millions of others, would you give it up? Maybe... after a lot of thinking. Then, I'd decide not to at the last minute, and then change my mind and die anyway because I make quick decisions like that and don't really think things through. Even if I have a lot of time to think them through. I'd think, but it just wouldn't get me anywhere. I'd arrive at the same conclusion every time.
In other words, yes. But only at the last minute 'cause I'm reluctant like that.
If you found out you weren't really the you you were raised and thought to be, how would you react? Freak out, scream, cry. Roll into a ball, and after that initial shock be depressed for a while. I don't know what would be able to make me not depressed from that. That's quite a shock.
If your life was running out, what last things would you like to do before your went? Say goodbye to everyone, maybe give them all my stuff? Probably race around trying to finish everything I wanted to do before I go. And make sure I leave my friends, family, loved ones on a positive note.
Last Question! If you had the choice, would you live by the score to live easily or destroy the score to live freely?
I'd go crazy if I knew the future, so I guess I'd try to destroy it. With my luck, I'd probably fail though. XD