[Hello there, everyone! Have an Anise... although she's a bit different than your ususal Fon Master Guardian. For one thing, she's wearing a pink blazer with a blue skirt that bounces as she skips down the street, her Tokunaga doll bouncing back and forth on her back. On her arm is some
strange disk with what look like blades on either side, a pack of cards tucked neatly into one of the many slots on it.]
[After a moment, she came to a stop, putting her hands on her hips.]
Buu buu! This looks nothing like where we're supposed to be! That mean old professor sent me to the wrong place again! What are we gonna do, Tokunaga?
[...Tokunaga just sat on her back, grinning like all ordinary plushies do.]
[[ooc: Hi. I'm Skyla. I cannot resist enablers. :| Have an Anise crossedover with Yuugiou, Duel Monsters verse.]]