Fic - Hide Your Heart (Mulit-Fandom) pg-13, 1/1

Sep 07, 2011 14:33

Title: Hide Your Heart
Summary: Thirteen women. Thirteen different stories.
Fandoms Included: Catwoman, 90210, Greek, The Vampire Diaries, LOST, The Office (US), One Tree Hill, Prison Break, Veronica Mars, Brothers & Sisters, Grey's Anatomy, Dexter
Characters Included: Selina Kyle, Kelly Martin, Casey Cartwright, Elena Gilbert, Kate Austen, Pam ( Read more... )

character: kate austen, character: elena gilbert, rating: pg-13, character: brooke davis, character: casey cartwright, fic: greek, challenge: femgenficathon, fic: the vampire diaries, fic: one tree hill, fic: batman, character: veronica mars, !fic, character: debra morgan, fic: brothers & sisters, fic: veronica mars, character: selina kyle, fic: grey's anatomy, character: rebecca harper, character: lexie grey, fic: lost, fic: prison break, character: jenna sommers, character: sara tancredi, fic: beverly hills 90210, fic: the office, fic: dexter, character: pam beesly, character: kelly martin

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Comments 28

magisterequitum September 7 2011, 19:53:12 UTC
Oh my god, this might be my favorite thing that you've written. Ever. I just love every moment in this. Every single one of these highlights these women and their strength and I love it beyond words.


abvj September 20 2011, 22:03:02 UTC
I really was worried that the whole concept wouldn't work in reader's minds, so I'm so, so, SO relieved that you liked this so much. It was a lot of fun exploring all of these characters - old and new. Thanks so much for reading, bb!

(Also, as a sidenote: I haven't talked to you in a while, so I hope school/life is treating you well!)


duchessofavalon September 7 2011, 19:59:31 UTC
This is flawless and gorgeous and wonderful and I am so in love with each moment you've captured here, and some of these (especially Brooke, Jenna, Lexie) are so in-character that it makes my heart hurt in like, the best way possible. <3


abvj September 20 2011, 22:03:35 UTC
Thank you! I enjoyed writing this a lot, so I'm glad (and relieved!) that you like it!


citron_presse September 7 2011, 21:32:07 UTC
I don't know all of these fandoms, but in a way it wasn't necessary to read and enjoy this. Each one was so insightful and beautifully written and theme flowed flawlessly through the different pieces.

For the fandoms I do know. I really loved the Lexie piece. You treat her with such skill and delicacy and it's always a pleasure to read your take on her. I'm going to confess that I never much cared about Jenna until the end, when (ironically, in more ways that one) she came to life for me: the opening line of her piece sent shivers down my spine and instantly recalled that scene in vivid detail. Elena's piece was indescribably sad, but superb, as everything you write.

Awesome, inspired work.


abvj September 20 2011, 22:05:36 UTC
I always find it such a compliment when people write stories of mine that are centered in fandoms they aren't familiar with, so the fact that you read all of these is a such a wonderful compliment. Especially coming from you - you know how highly I think of you as an author.

(Also, your icon is lovely.)


empressearwig September 7 2011, 22:21:11 UTC
Oh, wow. This is amazing. Every single piece of it, the parts that I did and didn't know, every word of it rang so emotionally true. This is really stupendous.


abvj September 20 2011, 22:06:34 UTC
I wrote the Jenna piece with you in mind, so I'm glad you liked it! (I also wish I'd discovered Downton Abbey earlier so I could have included Mary in here!)

Thanks for reading!


rorylie September 7 2011, 23:05:21 UTC
I love these, especially Lexie and Rebecca.


abvj September 20 2011, 22:08:36 UTC
And here I was thinking there were zero Rebecca fans left!

Thank you for reading!


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