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From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG waltzmatildah May 26 2010, 08:09:53 UTC
From yesterday, the fear...


He's home three nights before she finally lets herself fall apart.

Before that there'd been a rampant gunman to protect him from, blood transfusions to run the gauntlet for, ex-wives to impersonate. Before that there'd been emergency surgeries to sit through. Waiting room coffee to consume.

Traces of his dried blood to scrub from her hair.

Before he'd been home for three nights there'd been a ventilator to communicate around, silent, stony terror in his eyes to try and smooth away without actually talking about why it was there in the first place.

There'd been a heart rate monitor that effectively filled the long minutes and hours of silence as he slept and sedating pain medications that blurred his words and weakened the permanent grip his fingers now had on hers.

But it's been three nights now. He's been home for three nights when she walks into the bedroom, more 'theirs' now than 'his' despite the fact that she's barely slept in it for a month.

Barely slept in anythingBarely slept ( ... )


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG waltzmatildah May 27 2010, 06:36:26 UTC
Yeah, while she has things to do she'll be okay. She'll get them done. After that? When it all starts to calm down again? That's when the shit could hit the fan.

O/T: I really, REALLY wanna know if there is gonna be a time lapse at the start of season seven. I guess there probably will, but I will be really annoyed at the lack of 'reaction' shown. There's been none really. Meredith, Cristina and Bailey about Alex. Mark about Derek. Teddy about Owen. Them all about the deaths. Derek about the baby... I hope it's not all glossed over.


Re: From yesterday, the fear... - Lexie, implied Lexie/Alex , PG mammothluv May 27 2010, 17:49:19 UTC
Yeah, I totally agree. I really hope they don't time lapse or at the very least do flashbacks to right after because there's just so much story there that shouldn't be skipped over.


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