SNSD animated moodtheme!

Sep 15, 2010 17:58

 Gah, finally! I finished it~

I 've been on livejournal for awhile and haven't seen any SNSD animated moodthemes O.o I dunno if there really is, but hey, at least we can add one more, right?

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snsd, whimsicalchild, moodtheme

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Comments 45

brokenwonders September 15 2010, 10:49:26 UTC
i has a question. do you have yoonyul in this? loljk.
be takin. thanks ;) i'll credit.


aburstofyellow September 15 2010, 12:07:21 UTC
Actually, yes. There's some YoonYul, Jeti, Yulsic, Yoonhyun, TaeNy...


loveshinesbest September 15 2010, 11:23:24 UTC
hello :)
I hope you don't mind if i take this~


aburstofyellow September 15 2010, 12:07:49 UTC


hwang639 September 15 2010, 12:53:16 UTC
*hides behind the sofa*
*steal the icons*
*run for my life*
kekeke~ XD im such a fail thief
ny wayyy thanks for sharing =D

well, if you have any free time in the future i hope you can make some JeTi, TaeNy, TaeSic mood icons xD


aburstofyellow September 15 2010, 13:00:19 UTC
Lol, if I do- it probably won't be animated. This took me a lot of time finding gifs- and since the girls have been around for awhile, there's a lot of stuff to look at XD


kpop_fandom96 September 15 2010, 13:48:50 UTC
ohmygoshohmygosh, snsd mood theme!! ;D i love thx :D


soshigasmic September 15 2010, 13:58:41 UTC
ozum sauce...

could you up load it on MF? MU hates me :(


aburstofyellow September 15 2010, 16:07:41 UTC
Sure XD (I uploaded it initially on MU since I heard about MF being closed or something- but then it turned out to be false? ) Sent you a message with the link ^^


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